
来源 :食用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangj30
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草菇要求高温高湿,是南方普遍栽培的食用菌之一。河北省6~8月份平均气温在21~24℃,空气相对湿度在80%以下。因此,室外栽培难度大,产量低而不稳。1983年,我们采用阳畦和塑料中棚阳畦进行草菇栽培试验,取得了较好的效果。现将试验结果报告如下: 一、材料与方法 (一)备料和做畦:选新鲜未变质的麦秸和棉籽壳。麦秸先压扁破碎,用pH9~10石灰水浸24小时;棉籽壳加水拌匀,用石灰水调pH8~9,堆闷2小时,含水量达60~65%。每种料设四个处理,每个处理2平方米。场 Straw mushrooms require high temperature and humidity, is one of the mushrooms commonly cultivated in the South. The average temperature of 6 ~ August in Hebei Province is 21 ~ 24 ℃, the relative humidity of air is below 80%. Therefore, outdoor cultivation difficult, low yield and instability. In 1983, we used Yang Yang and plastic sunshine greenhouse cultivation test mushrooms, and achieved good results. The test results are reported as follows: First, materials and methods (a) preparation and do 畦: choose fresh unmodified wheat straw and cottonseed shells. The wheat straw is flattened and crushed first, and then leached with limes of pH 9 ~ 10 for 24 hours. The cotton seed hulls are added with water and mixed with lime water to adjust the pH to 9-9. The pile is stuffy for 2 hours and the water content reaches 60-65%. Each material is set to four treatments, each processing 2 square meters. field