
来源 :幸福(红颜情报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boge66
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贺军翔,绰号贺小美。无论是他俊朗的外形、健康的体魄、诱人的双唇,还是不做作的态度,都“电”力十足,堪称“新师奶杀手”。2006年,在《新京报》举办的中国最美50人的评选中,贺军翔又当选为最美男人第一名,气势压倒金城武、古天乐。美丽对于他来说,固然重要,但他的另外四大杀招,更让女人抓狂。 He Junxiang, nicknamed He Xiaomei. Whether it is his handsome appearance, healthy body, attractive lips, or not made attitude, all “power ” force full, called “new teacher milk killer ”. In 2006, in the selection of the most beautiful 50 people in China held by the “Beijing News”, He Junxiang was elected as the first man of the most beautiful men, with an overwhelming Kaneshiro Takeshi and Louis Koo. Beautiful for him, of course important, but his other four killings, leaving women crazy.
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