近年来,无线移动通信的发展日新月异,新技术也层出不穷,令人目不暇接。对于无线通信新技术领域里的短距离无线通信、无线局域网、宽带无线接入以及移动通信等技术有什么特点?它们之间又有何异同点?它们到底能为用户提供什么样的服务?……却有很多人在认识上欠缺,有的甚至在理解上有些偏差。 为此,我们从本期起邀请无线移动通信领域的一些著名专家和学者,针对这些技术概念作一介绍,并对这些新技术的应用前景进行阐述。
In recent years, the rapid development of wireless mobile communications, new technologies are endless, dizzying. What are the characteristics of wireless local area network, broadband wireless access and mobile communication technology for the short-range wireless communication in the new wireless communication technology field, what are the similarities and differences between them, and what kind of service can they provide to the users? ... there are a lot of people lacking in understanding, and some are even biased in understanding. For this reason, we invite some well-known experts and scholars in the area of wireless mobile communications to introduce the concepts of these technologies and expound the application prospect of these new technologies.