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在抗日战争胜利60周年之际,山西省进一步加大了对革命老区贫困群众的扶贫力度,帮助老区人民改善生产生活条件,发展农村经济,增加收入。山西省57个贫困县中有41个是革命老区县,近年来,党和政府每年拿出3—4亿元的资金用于贫困地区特别是革命老区的扶贫开发。凡符合扶贫政策规定的,优先对老区县、村进行扶持,使老区的贫困群众优先享受到党和政府的关怀和温暖。目前已使一大批贫困人口摆脱贫困,走上了富裕之路。 At the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Shanxi Province further stepped up its efforts to alleviate poverty for the poor in the old revolutionary base areas, helped the people in the old areas to improve production and living conditions, developed their rural economy and increased their incomes. Among the 57 poverty-stricken counties in Shanxi Province, 41 are revolutionary old districts and counties. In recent years, the party and the government have allocated 300 to 400 million yuan each year for poverty alleviation and development in poor areas, especially the revolutionary old areas. Those who meet the provisions of the poverty alleviation policy give priority to supporting the old districts and counties and villages so that the poor people in the old areas will enjoy the care and warmth of the party and government preferentially. At present, a large number of poor people have been lifted out of poverty and embarked on a road to prosperity.
目的探讨核因子-κB(nuclear factor-κB,NF-κB)在哮喘患儿气道炎症中的作用。方法选取9例哮喘患儿及6例非哮喘对照患儿的支气管粘膜,进行普通病理检查,观察是否存在气道炎症;进行免疫组化及凝胶电泳迁移率检查,分别观察NF-κB在支气管上皮细胞核的表达及NF-κB与DNA的结合活性。结果9例哮喘患儿均存在气道炎症,NF-κB在其支气管上皮细胞核均有表达;对6例哮喘患儿进行了凝胶电泳
[Objective] The paper was to study control effect and bio-control potential of 0.3% agricultural antibiotic 702 aqueous solution(AS) against Rhizoctonia solani,
罗伯特·鲍许公司的汽车座椅传感(AOS)系统以“合成传感器”技术为特点。该系统能分析前排座椅的乘坐状况,并基于预先设定的原始设备制造标准,决定是否打开安全气囊。这种 A
The life duration of underwater cooperative network has been the hot topic in recent years.And the problem of node energy consuming is the key technology to mai