Estimation of boswellic acids in herbal formulations containing Boswellia serrata extract and compre

来源 :药物分析学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeaceinter
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Boswellia serrata is a widely used herb in Indian systems of medicine and is well known for its potential medicinal properties. A chromatographic method was developed for the analysis and quantification of six boswellic acid marker compounds, i.e., keto boswellic acid (1), 3-O-Acetyl 11-keto β-boswellic acid (2), ɑ-Boswellic acid (3), β-Boswellic acid (4), 3-O-Acetyl-ɑ-boswellic acid (5) and 3-O-Acetyl-β-boswellic acid (6) in commercial herbal products containing B. serrata as an ingredient. Combining UPLC with Q-Tof-MS/MS makes the better identification of secondary metabolites and adulterants in the herbal formulations containing B. serrata in rapid time using fragmentation approach than the traditional approaches. In this study quantification of boswellic acids with UPLC-PDA method was performed as per the pharmacopeia guidelines. Furthermore, minor phytochemical constituents were identified and characterized with the help of LC-Q-Tof-MS/MS fragmentation data and various isoforms of boswellic acids and tirucallic acids in B. serrata oleo-gum-resin extract were identified.
目的探讨术中使用亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮对剖宫产术后抗抑郁的作用。方法将126例剖宫产产妇按术中是否应用氯胺酮分为氯胺酮组和对照组,每组63例,对照组产妇在胎儿娩出后静脉滴注0.9%氯化钠20 ml,氯胺酮组产妇在胎儿娩出后静脉滴注亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮(0.5 mg/kg加入20 ml 0.9%氯化钠)。分别采用医院焦虑抑郁量表(HADS)和产后抑郁筛查量表(PDSS)对产妇进行评估。结果氯胺酮组产后5和10
Objective:To investigate the hepatoprotective activity ofAverroha carambola fruit extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury.Methods:Hepatotoxi
1 习惯性便秘rn  赵某,女,47岁,职员,患习惯性便秘4年,近1年来口服、外用导泻西药皆已罔效,唯以灌肠为法,服中药润肠或攻下均难如意。其人形体丰腴,纳欠而渴饮,脉滑,舌苔薄腻色黄,已5