Effect of intergranular β phase on the rupture plasticity of the low expansion Inconel 783 superallo

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w33333333
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High temperature rupture specimens with different rupture plasticity are investigated.The rupture fracture failure of Inconel 783 superalloy is researched by analyzing the fracture surface and microstructure of the rupture specimens.The intergranular β phase precipitated sufficiently with favorable morphology can efficiently strengthen grain boundaries that can achieve a full plastic deformation of grains.Additionally,the intergranular β phase can effectively restrain the occurrence and expansion of intergranular cracks during the rupture test.The intergranular β phase insufficiently precipitated can weaken the intergranular cohesion and lead to the occurrence and expansion of cracks; thus,the grains cannot be fully deformed before breaking.Therefore,the β phase precipitated in the grain boundaries can significantly increase the rupture plasticity of Inconel 783 superalloy. High temperature rupture specimens with different rupture plasticity are investigated. The rupture fracture failure of Inconel 783 superalloy is developed by analyzing the fracture surface and microstructure of the rupture specimens. Intergranular beta phase precipitated sufficiently with favorable morphology can be grain grain that that can achieve a full plastic deformation of grains. Additionally, the intergranular beta phase can effectively restrain the occurrence and expansion of intergranular cracks during the rupture test. The intergranular beta phase insufficiently precipitated can weaken the intergranular cohesion and lead to the occurrence and expansion of cracks; thus , the grains can not be fully deformed before breaking. wherefore, the beta phase precipitated in the grain boundaries can significantly increase the rupture plasticity of Inconel 783 superalloy.
目的:研究长梗秦艽酮抑制人肝癌BEL-7402细胞生长与Akt和ERK1/2通路的关系。方法:采用MTT法观察BEL-7402细胞活性,Western blot蛋白质印记法检测Akt和ERK1/2磷酸化水平,流式
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