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他不是作曲家,可他却用另外一种方式在钢琴这个世界里自由驰骋;他也不是演奏家,可他却要在自己手中诞生出能演奏最动人、最华丽音符的“乐器之王”……马惠忠,上海东韵钢琴有限公司、上海马歇尔钢琴有限公司董事长,他的人生几乎是由钢琴来演绎的。优雅外表,黑白韵律,高低音符,钢琴的独特魅力,令他情有独钟四十余年。该是源于玄妙的缘分吧?1963年,17岁的马惠忠初中毕业,分配到上海钢琴厂学习钢琴油漆技术。当他第一眼看见钢琴时,那种莫名的情愫令他执著又心醉。从第一天亲手把美丽的油漆涂上优雅的钢琴表面时,马惠忠就爱上了这个人类文明共同音乐语言的创造者。他喜欢钢琴键盘上跳跃着的简洁的黑白韵律,他喜欢钢琴琴弦上进发出来的清脆的高低音符。即使在文革期间,马惠忠也始终惦念着他的油漆、他的钢琴,他思索着如何涂 He is not a composer, but he is another way to free ride in the piano world; he is not a performer, but he was born in his hands to play the most moving, the most beautiful notes of “King of Musical Instruments” ...... Ma Huizhong, Shanghai Dong Yun Piano Co., Ltd., Shanghai Marshall Piano Co., Ltd., his life is almost deduced by the piano. Elegant appearance, black and white rhythm, level notes, the unique charm of the piano, so that he was fond of more than 40 years. This is derived from the mysterious fate? In 1963, 17-year-old Ma Huizhong graduated from high school, assigned to the Shanghai Piano Factory piano learning paint technology. When he first saw the piano, that kind of inexplicable feelings that he was persistent and intoxicated. Ma Huizhong fell in love with the creator of the common musical language of human civilization when he first painted the beautiful piano with his elegant piano surface. He likes the simple black and white rhythm that leaps on the piano keyboard, and he loves the crisp notes of the piano strings. Even during the Cultural Revolution, Ma Huizhong also always miss his paint, his piano, he pondered how to apply
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