
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njtangxn
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小流域综合治理目前已成为我国山丘区防治水土流失、开发和保护水土资源、发展农业生产的重要措施,也是山丘区人民群众脱贫致富之路。为了有效地实施综合治理,使治理过程有章可循,目标明确,必须先有合理的规划,规划是否经济可行,则需借助于合理的经济效益计算和分析方法的正确,由于水土保持经济学发展的历史较短,涉及的面甚广,我们对水保经济规律掌握得不够,又没有成熟的经验可循,虽然各地研究者都从不同的角度进行了多方面大胆的研究和探索,水保经济效益分析和计算中仍存在若干问题。笔者就综合治理规划中经 The comprehensive management of small watersheds has now become an important measure for preventing and controlling soil and water loss, developing and protecting water and soil resources and developing agricultural production in the hills and valleys of our country. It is also an important way for the people in the hills and areas to get rid of poverty and become rich. In order to effectively implement comprehensive governance, make the governance process follow the rules and clear objectives, we must first have a reasonable plan, planning is economically feasible, you need to rely on a reasonable economic efficiency calculation and analysis of the correct method, as Soil and Water Conservation Economics The history of development is rather short and involves a wide range of issues. Our understanding of the laws governing water and soil conservation is inadequate and there is no mature experience to follow. Although researchers from all over the world have conducted various studies and exploration from different perspectives, water There are still some problems in the analysis and calculation of economic benefits. The author on the comprehensive management plan by
页玲1 21 2810年计算机一般论述152邢朋美国鸯晏靛爹算机目前水平欧、美空间、军用数字计算机近况在4”K下工作的计算机16位微处理器的发展概况197419761匀801981l(1)举2(14)
分析手提式挖坑机在石质山地整地作业中的生产率、年计算费用,投资回收期、单穴成本等指标,论证了该项技术在石质山地使用的经济效果. The productivity, annual calculatio
§1引言 当电子碰撞固体表面时,可以从固体表面上激发出下述粒子。 (a)中性分子、原子或分子碎片; (b)受激中性粒子; (c)正的或负的离子。 这个过程为电子诱导解吸,简称
Ileal atresia is considered to be an acquired anomaly. It is thought to be caused by a mesenteric vascular accident during fetal life which leads to necrosis of