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[目的]研究杂交草鱼一龄阶段的生长和体型特点。[方法]建立长江自交YR(长江群体♀×长江群体♂)、珠江自交ZR(珠江群体♀×珠江群体♂)、杂交F1(长江群体♀×珠江群体♂)3个组合。为了避免前期生长差异对后期试验的影响,亲鱼催产至鱼苗下塘均同步进行,控制夏花培育过程养殖密度、养殖环境等条件保持一致;另一方面,到50日龄即对3个组合进行剪鳍标记同箱混养,克服不同网箱的影响。对3个组合鱼的生长和形态数据进行测量分析。体重(W)用电子天平测量,全长(TL)、体长(SL)、头长(HL)、体高(BH)和体宽(BW)用游标卡尺测量。绝对增重率AGR(g/d)=(W2-W1)/(t2-t1);超亲杂种优势HB(%)=(F1-BP)×100/BP。其中,AGR为50~170日龄的绝对增重率;W2-W1为饲养50~170d的体增重;t2-t1为两阶段的间隔天数;F1为杂交一代某性状的平均值;BP为优良亲本某性状的平均值。体型分析利用体长/全长、头长/全长、体高/体长及体宽/体长4个比例参数进行比较。[结果]体重、体长及绝对增重率均为F1>ZR>YR;体重、体长,在50日龄组合间差异不显著(P>0.05),在170日龄组合间差异均极显著(P<0.01);绝对增重率,F1分别比ZR、YR高20.00%、50.00%,F1与ZR差异不显著(P>0.05),与YR差异显著(P<0.05);F1在体重上表现明显的超亲杂种优势(20.09%)。3个组合间,体长/全长差异不显著(P>0.05),头长/全长、体高/体长及体宽/体长差异显著(P<0.05),F1表现头短、体高、体宽等特点。[结论]F1在生长性能和体型特征上均具有优势。 [Objective] The research aimed to study the growth and body shape of hybrid grass carp in its first-age stage. [Method] Three combinations of YR (Yangtze River population ♀ × Yangtze River population ♂), Pearl River self  established ZR (Pearl population ♀ × Pearl population ♂) and F1 hybrid population (Yangtze population ♀ × Pearl population ♂) were established. In order to avoid the influence of the difference of early growth on the later experiment, the progeny of the broodstock was synchronized to the pond of fish fry, the density of culture in the control of summer flower cultivation and the culture environment were consistent; on the other hand, Clip fin labeling with polyculture, to overcome the impact of different cages. The growth and morphological data of three fish combinations were measured and analyzed. Body weight (W) was measured with an electronic balance and full length (TL), body length (SL), head length (HL), body height (BH) and body width (BW) were measured with vernier calipers. The absolute weight gain rate AGR (g / d) = (W2-W1) / (t2-t1); Super heterosis heterosis HB (%) = (F1-BP) × 100 / BP. Among them, AGR was the absolute weight gain rate of 50-170 days of age; W2-W1 was the body weight gain of feeding for 50-170 days; t2-t1 was the interval of two phases; F1 was the average value of some traits of hybrid generation; BP was The average of a good parent’s trait. Body shape analysis using body length / full length, head length / full length, body height / body length and body width / body length ratio of 4 parameters were compared. [Result] The body weight, body length and absolute weight gain rate were all F1> ZR> YR. There were no significant differences in body weight and body length between the 50-day-old combinations (P> 0.05) (P <0.01). The absolute weight gain rate and F1 were 20.00% and 50.00% higher than those of ZR and YR, respectively. There was no significant difference between F1 and ZR (P> 0.05) The obvious super-heterosis heterosis (20.09%). There was no significant difference in body length / length between the three combinations (P> 0.05), head length / full length, body height / body length and body width / body length (P <0.05) Body width and other characteristics. [Conclusion] F1 had advantages in growth performance and body shape.
父亲文化不高,平时也不大爱说话,可是他却对汉字很感兴趣,经常给一些汉字加上自己的独特见解。  那年,我毕业后走上工作岗位。父亲在家里准备了一桌子酒菜,要和我喝上几杯。父亲向来不能喝酒,可那天他却喝了很多,脸红如关公,话也多了起来。他对我说:“现在,你长大成人了,在今后的道路上,你要明白,人这一生都在和‘输’、‘赢’二字过招。”  听了父亲的话,我好奇地问:“老爸,这输赢二字可有什么讲究?”父亲笑着
以前,有位同事,交了个漂亮的女朋友。但是他带女朋友才在公司出现过两次,就听到风言风语,说那漂亮女人是“鸡”。同事终于听说了,而且查出是谁放的话,冲到那人面前,厉声问:“你凭什么这么说?”  那人先不答,隔了一下,淡淡地说了四个字:“我睡过她。”  同事怔住了,接着一拳过去,转身就走,回到自己桌子前收拾东西,当天就辞职了。他去了另一个公司,而且不久就结了婚,没请几个人。娶的还是那个女朋友。  事隔几
脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon caricauda)隶属于十足目、真虾族、长臂虾科、白虾属,俗称白虾、河晃虾、短腕白虾。我国各海域,北自辽宁,南至广东,都很常见,是我国近海的重要经济虾类
【世界核新闻网站2016年5月20日报道】英国地平线核电公司(Horizon Nuclear Power)2016年5月20日组建负责威尔法核电新建项目的合资公司Menter Newydd公司。该公司的股东包括