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棉铃虫Heliothis armigera(Hubner)是我县棉花上的主要害虫之一。由于本地作物布局和耕作制度的原因,第一代棉铃虫主要集中在苕子留种田内产卵为害;二代主要在春玉米上;三、四代集中在棉花上为害。并以三代为害损失最大。一般年份产量损失一成左右,大发生年产量损失高达三、四成,对棉花高产稳产影响很大。目前,棉铃虫发生期预测方法较多,预测效果也较好,但发生量预测尚在摸索之中。因为棉铃虫的发生量受多种因素影响,因此发生量预报的准确性,主要依赖于选择预报因子是否确当。我站通过8—9年的调查材料研究分析,选择前代发生基数、天敌寄生和气候状况为预报因子,利用生物统计的方法,探求棉铃虫二、三代的发生量预测公式,现将这方面情况整理报告如下。 Heliothis armigera (Hubner) is one of the major pests on cotton in our county. Due to the local crop layout and farming system, the first generation of cotton bollworm mainly concentrated in the shizi remaining farm spawning; the second generation is mainly on spring corn; third and fourth generations are concentrated on the cotton damage. And the loss of three generations of damage. In general, about 10% of the annual loss of production, large annual loss of up to three or four percent, a great impact on the high and stable yield of cotton. At present, there are many prediction methods for the occurrence of the cotton bollworm and the forecasting effect is also good, but the prediction of the occurrence of the bollworm is still under exploration. Because the occurrence of cotton bollworm is affected by many factors, the accuracy of the forecast of the amount of occurrence depends mainly on whether the selection of forecasting factors is appropriate. Based on 8-9 years of research material research and analysis, I chose the previous generation of base, natural enemy parasitism and climate status as a predictor, the use of biometric methods to explore the second and third generations of cotton bollworm occurrence prediction formula, now this aspect Situation finishing report is as follows.
近年来全国各玉米产区,由于丝黑穗病的蔓延危害,玉米减产甚巨。北方17个省、市、自治区的67个县(旗)统计,平均发病率(相当于损失率)6.2%,最高达93.4%。1977年 In recent year
黑松叶蜂属昆虫世界上已记载两种,一种是日本黑松叶蜂Nesodiprion japonicus(Marlatt),分布于日本及我国台湾省,另一种是双枝黑松叶蜂N.biremis(Konow),分布于我国广东省沿
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寒假开始,上海音乐学院钢琴系的很多专家,不但没有休息反而立即投入了新的工作。第三届上海音乐学院钢琴师资班鸣锣开班了。开阔艺术视野体验国际规范 Winter vacation bega