
来源 :法庭内外 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangxiaolong43
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2012年2月29日上午,中华少年儿童慈善救助基金“童缘”项目资助“法官妈妈志愿者团队——涉诉困境未成年人救助项目”启动仪式在北京市海淀区法院举行。团队负责人尚秀云法官就志愿者团队具体情况、涉诉困境未成年人救助项目的救助对象、救助实施方案以及救助善款管理使用办法进行了详细介绍;魏久明理事长代表中华儿慈会向海淀区法院颁发“童缘”项目执行机构牌匾,并将资助 On the morning of February 29, 2012, the launching ceremony of Charity Relief Fund for Children and Children in China and “Tong Yuan” project sponsored by “Judge Mom and Volunteer Team - Rescue and Treatment for Minority with Litigation” was held in Haidian District Court in Beijing . Judge Shang Xiuyun, team leader, gave a detailed introduction on the specific conditions of the volunteer team, the assistance recipients of aid programs for minors involved in the dilemma, the implementation plan for assistance and the use of aid and charity management; Chairman Wei Jiuming, on behalf of the China Charity Association Haidian District Court awarded “Tong Yuan ” project executive body plaque, and will be funded
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