
来源 :中华整形外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangcongzhi
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目的 探讨采用下颌骨外板修复面斜裂患者鼻眶骨骼畸形的适应证及临床意义。方法经口内入路显露颏孔、下颌体、下颌角、下颌升支中下份的外侧骨面 ,用小裂钻和骨凿在下颌升支下份咬合平面水平、下颌骨外斜线及颏孔后 3~ 5mm垂直线范围内劈开外板后取出骨块。将下颌骨外板进行适当塑形后 ,配合钛合金钉、板坚强内固定系统植入或贴附于需行骨骼重建部位。结果 采用下颌骨外板修复面斜裂骨骼发育不良或缺损 7例。随访 6个月~ 3年 ,移植骨与邻近相接骨组织愈合良好 ,局部骨骼重建效果完美稳定。结论 下颌骨外板与颅骨外板的骨密度接近但采取更加方便 ,并不遗留任何皮肤瘢痕 ,是目前修复面斜裂骨骼发育不良或缺损的比较理想的材料和方法 Objective To investigate the indications and clinical significance of nasal-orbital skeletal deformity in patients with oblique bends treated by mandibular external plating. Methods The mesial bone, mandibular body, mandibular angle, mandibular ascending middle and lower lateral bone were revealed by intraoral approach. The level of occlusal plane, mandibular external oblique line and chin 3 ~ 5mm vertical hole within the split after the outer plate removed bone. The mandibular outer plate is appropriately shaped, with titanium alloy nail, plate strong internal fixation system implanted or attached to the need for bone reconstruction site. Results The mandibular external plate was used to repair the oblique bone dysplasia or defect in 7 cases. Followed up for 6 months to 3 years, the bone graft and the adjacent phase bone tissue healed well and the local bone reconstruction effect was perfect and stable. Conclusions The BMD of the outer mandibular and skull outer plates is close to but more convenient to use, leaving no scar on skin. It is an ideal material and method to repair dysplastic or defect of oblique oblique bone
目的 分析轻度胃肠炎伴良性婴幼儿惊厥 (BICE)的临床特点。方法 1999年 7月至 2003年 3月,对北京中日友好医院儿科 8例年龄 3~36个月的轻度胃肠炎伴惊厥患儿进行临床观察和
目的 胃肠感染是大多数动物类传染性海绵状脑病(TSE)传播的最主要途径。建立羊瘙痒因子263K灌胃感染仓鼠动物模型,并研究其发病特征。方法 Scrapie 263K毒株低剂量和高剂量
A case of a fibrous histiocytoma (FH) of the larynx in a 54-year-old male is reported. Laryngeal fibrous histiocytoma is uncommon. The case recurred several tim