Acrylamide-induced Subacute Neurotoxic Effects on the Cerebral Cortex and Cerebellum at the Synapse

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Objective To investigate acrylamide(ACR)-induced subacute neurotoxic effects on the central nervous system(CNS) at the synapse level in rats. Methods Thirty-six Sprague Dawley(SD) rats were randomized into three groups,(1) a 30 mg/kg ACR-treated group,(2) a 50 mg/kg ACR-treated group, and(3) a normal saline(NS)-treated control group. Body weight and neurological changes were recorded each day. At the end of the test, cerebral cortex and cerebellum tissues were harvested and viewed using light and electron microscopy. Additionally, the expression of Synapsin Ⅰ and P-Synapsin Ⅰ in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum were investigated. Results The 50 mg/kg ACR-treated rats showed a significant reduction in body weight compared with untreated individuals(P < 0.05). Rats exposed to ACR showed a significant increase in gait scores compared with the NS control group(P < 0.05). Histological examination indicated neuronal structural damage in the 50 mg/kg ACR treatment group. The active zone distance(AZD) and the nearest neighbor distance(NND) of synaptic vesicles in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum were increased in both the 30 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg ACR treatment groups. The ratio of the distribution of synaptic vesicles in the readily releasable pool(RRP) was decreased. Furthermore, the expression levels of Synapsin Ⅰ and P-Synapsin Ⅰ in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum were decreased in both the 30 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg ACR treatment groups. Conclusion Subacute ACR exposure contributes to neuropathy in the rat CNS. Functional damage of synaptic proteins and vesicles may be a mechanism of ACR neurotoxicity. Objective To investigate acrylamide (ACR) -induced subacute neurotoxic effects on the central nervous system (CNS) at the synapse level in rats. Methods Thirty-six Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomized into three groups, (1) a 30 mg / (2) a 50 mg / kg ACR-treated group, and (3) a normal saline (NS) -treated control group. Body weight and neurological changes were recorded each day. At the end of the test , cerebral cortex and cerebellum tissues were harvested and viewed using light and electron microscopy. Results, The expression of Synapsin I and P-Synapsin I in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum were investigated. Results The 50 mg / kg ACR-treated rats showed a significant Reduction in body weight compared with untreated individuals (P <0.05). Rats exposed to ACR showed a significant increase in gait scores compared with the NS control group (P <0.05). Histological examination indicated neuronal structural damage in the 50 mg / kg ACR treatment group. The active zone distance (AZD) and the nearest neighbor distance (NND) of synaptic vesicles in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum were increased in both the 30 mg / kg and 50 mg / kg ACR treatment groups. The ratio of the distribution of synaptic vesicles in the releasable pool (RRP) was decreased. Furthermore, the expression levels of Synapsin I and P-Synapsin I in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum were decreased in both the 30 mg / kg and 50 mg / kg ACR treatment groups. Conclusion Subacute ACR exposure contributes to neuropathy in the rat CNS. Functional damage of synaptic proteins and vesicles may be a mechanism of ACR neurotoxicity.
话说唐僧师徒四人历经九九八十一难,最终到达西天,取回真经。日后便各自去往如来佛祖分配的岗位上,每日吃斋念佛。偶尔重聚,回忆起艰辛的奋斗历程,四人不禁感叹“苦尽甘来”。悟空却仍是坐不住的性子,每每游说师父和两个师弟,嚷嚷着要“重走西游路”。禁不住爱徒一千多年来坚持不懈的游说,唐僧终于在21世纪一个阳光明媚的午后松了口。  在视频通话中,三个徒弟听到唐僧重走西游路的决定后反应各异:悟空喜不自禁地跳上了
摘 要:湘绣是我国四大名绣之一,是以湖南长沙为中心的带有鲜明湘楚文化特色的湖南刺绣产品的总称,是湖南的文化名片。一幅湘绣作品完成之前,需要刺绣上印章,它包含了刺绣者、绣庄以及设计者的身份信息等,而绣制精细的印章,能衬托出绣作的艺术效果。因此,文章从湘绣印章的作用、种类、钤盖方法、刺绣方法以及刺绣要求等方便进行研究,指出湘绣印章刺绣在湘绣作品刺绣中的重要性。研究印章的刺绣方法有助于我们刺绣从艺者对湘
离家出走这个词对我而言代表的不是流浪,它于我而言有着一些隐晦的含义——这含义太特殊,说白了就是我没有胆量去流浪。  有一段时间我常常用这个词威胁我妈。我说:“你再骂我我就离家出走。”然后她就不再说话。但这种威胁好比学放羊的孩子喊狼来了,我妈经过许久的观察和揣测之后认定我不会舍弃锦衣玉食跑哪去,担心我会飞了的心理像拿镰刀拿斧头拿锄头的村民们一样再也不会来了,于是一切照旧。  印象中我是离家出走过的,
摘 要:南通蓝印花布是我国首批国家级非物质文化遗产,它独特的制作工艺、蓝白相间的色调,蕴含民间百姓对美好生活的向往、追求及地方独特的造物哲学。通过社区教育途径让南通蓝印花布这一传统的民间艺术走进社区,是全方位传承非遗的有效手段。文章主要从南通蓝印花布渗入社区教育的意义分析入手,就南通蓝印花布艺术渗社区教育的方法发表了粗浅的看法。  关键词:南通蓝印花布;社区教育;传统手工艺  注:本文系江苏高校哲
有一位父亲失去了幼女,心痛万分,朝思暮想。  孩子太小,不曾留下什么,只有生前用积木堆成的一座楼房,十分可爱。  做父亲的就镶配了一个玻璃盒子,把它摆在客厅里。  一天,两只猫打架,把积木撞倒,大楼崩坍。  虽然还可以照原样砌好,然而已经不是爱女当初的“作品”,没有什么意义了。  做父亲的這才想到,把纪念碑立在沙滩上是不行的。他记得有一家医院正在募捐盖急诊大楼,就送去一笔款子。  大楼落成,矗立路
在我们生活的小区,有一块僻静幽雅的角落。那里有一株茂盛的紫藤,紫藤花镶嵌在木制的支架上,每一瓣的紫都不尽相同,有种说不清、道不出的淡雅味道,透出一种半透明的梦幻色彩。花架旁是一小块草坪。每天早晨,在略微湿润的空气中,露水还未退去,草坪上呈现出翠绿夹杂嫩绿的色泽,充满生机勃勃的意味。  这么美的地方,是妈妈练太极拳的好去处。说起妈妈与太极拳结缘的原因,一开始是由于她身体不好,才练习太极来养生健身的。