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在科学技术的影响下,从80年代末期开始,随着计算机的普及和网络的迅猛发展,以全新的数字技术为基础的数字艺术开始发展起来,使艺术形式从平面走向立体,从空间走向环境,从单向走向交互,实现了立体主义、未来主义在画布上提出的时空观念,为艺术家全方位地进行创作提供了新的平台。作为数字化时代新兴的数字艺术形式,发掘数字艺术设计与传统文化的艺术渊源,探讨数字艺术设计创作的视觉表现和美学趋向,及其艺术创作最基本的图形、色彩、民族文化、数字技术等方面的要素,是丰富数字艺术语言和正确表现数字艺术形式美的关键,有助于正确认识数字艺术。一、数字艺术和传统艺术形式创 Under the influence of science and technology, starting from the late 1980s, with the popularization of computers and the rapid development of the Internet, digital art based on the brand-new digital technology began to develop and made the art form move from the plane to the three-dimensional, from space to the environment From one direction to interaction, realizing the concept of time and space put forward by Cubism and Futurism on canvas and providing a new platform for artists to create in all aspects. As the emerging digital art form in digital era, it explores the artistic origin of digital art design and traditional culture, discusses the visual expression and aesthetic tendency of digital art design creation, and its basic graphic, color, national culture and digital technology in artistic creation Is the key to enriching the digital art language and correctly representing the beauty of digital art forms and helping to correctly understand digital art. First, digital art and traditional art form
为了查清公路养路作业的职业危害情况,几年来,我们会同有关部门,对养路工的劳动安全卫生状况开展了专题调查,取得了大量的第一手资料,认识到有待于研究、解决的重要课题。 一
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现代体育教学改革的一个重要方面,就是注重体育教学,使学生获得自主、快乐的情绪,发展学生的个性,提高体育教学的实效性。体育游戏的特点和作用决定了体育游戏在体育教学各个环节的运用具有巨大的潜力,有利于提高教学质量,完成教学任务。  一、体育游戏运用于一般性准备活动   (一)运用于一般性准备活动。   一般性的准备活动是全面活动肢体,克服机体惰性,逐步提高大脑皮层的兴奋性,使人进入工作状态。传统
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