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本文拟从司法独立的国外国内的理论观点出发,从我国司法独立的现实、理论与完善角度再看司法独立,并借鉴国外先进的立法经验及实践中的有效措施,植根于中国的现实司法土壤,提出司法独立的内涵,尤其重点提出司法独立理论基础。本文共分为两部分。第一部分介绍了司法独立的历史发展和内涵、第二部分阐述了司法独立的理论基础。本文写作过程中,笔者借鉴了国外三权分立原则为理论基础的司法独立的多种观点,参考了国外宪政法学界的其它相关理论,并运用了分析比较的方法,结合我国及国外司法独立的发展历程,从分析司法权概念出发,到司法独立的内涵的界定,再到我国司法独立的理论基础,以期为我国司法独立的理论发展尽自己绵薄之力。 This article intends to review judicature independence from the perspective of foreign and domestic jurisprudence independent judicature from the perspective of the reality, theory and perfection of judicatory independence of our country, draw lessons from advanced foreign legislative experience and effective measures in practice, Soil, put forward the connotation of judicial independence, with particular emphasis on judicial independence theory. This article is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the historical development and connotation of judicial independence. The second part explains the theoretical basis of judicial independence. In the process of this writing, I draw on the various perspectives on the independence of the judiciary based on the principle of the principle of the separation of powers in other countries. I refer to other relevant theories in the field of constitutional law and scholars abroad and apply the methods of analysis and comparison. Combining the independent judicatory in our country and abroad From the analysis of the concept of judicial power to the definition of the connotation of judicial independence, to the theoretical foundation of judicial independence of our country, with a view to making our own contribution to the theoretical development of judicial independence.
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