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4月12号,笔者刚从北京首都机场出口走出,老朋友张波先生便用自己的奔驰轿车,将笔者接到自己在北京的别墅。按他的话说, 这个别墅花了他五百多万人民币。令笔者不解的是,两年前,张先生一直混迹在IT江湖,是一个连自己肚子都供不饱的人,而现在是他,个人的精神面貌给人感觉相当不错。两年的时间是什么让他的生活发生了如此大的变化呢?! “我在从事电子商务,简单地说,就是把众多的消费者整合起来,通过互联网形成一张有弹性的销售网络,大家通过一定的奖励制度,彼此成为可信赖的财富管道。”张先生面对笔者的惊讶,如此解释他短时间致富的奥秘。在北京采访期间,我见到了很多从事电子商务的人,他们都与张先生一样,用短短的时间为自己也为家人提供了相当的财务自由空间,享受生活成了他们当前最真实的状态。与他们交流,他们最感慨的一句话就是:“在电子商务第三波浪潮中,隐藏着最好的财富机会,而他们仅仅只是抓住了并正在继续抓住了而已。” 成功者本不应受到指责,因为是他们遵循市场规律所应得的回报。然而,朋友张先生却对笔者大倒苦水:怎么社会上很多人都误解他们从事的电子商务,并把他们获取的财富当成了一种不义之财。 “电子商务第三波在中国的发展,注定在艰难中起航,在泥泞中前进。”一个电子商务从业者话语间透出些许无奈。 On April 12, I just stepped out from the exit of Beijing Capital Airport. My old friend Mr. Zhang Bo used his own Mercedes-Benz sedan and took the author to his own villa in Beijing. In his words, this villa took him more than 5 million yuan. I puzzled that, two years ago, Mr. Zhang has been mixed in the arena, is not even his own stomach full of people, and now is him, personal mental outlook gives a very good impression. What made two years of his life have changed so much ?! “I was engaged in e-commerce, simply put, is to integrate a large number of consumers through the Internet to form a flexible sales network , Everyone through a certain reward system, each other to become a credible wealth pipeline. ”Mr. Zhang in the face of the author’s surprise, so explain his secret to get rich for a short time. During my interviews in Beijing, I met many people engaged in e-commerce. Like Mr. Zhang, they took just a short time to provide themselves and their families with considerable financial freedom to enjoy life as their current reality . To communicate with them, their most emotional words are: “In the third wave of e-commerce, hidden the best opportunities for wealth, and they just caught and is continuing to grasp it.” “Winners This should not be blamed, because they follow the laws of the market deserve the return. However, friends, Mr. Zhang, did a great deal of hard work on the author: How many people in society misunderstood the e-commerce they were engaged in and treated the wealth they acquired as an injustice. ”The third wave of e-commerce development in China, destined to set sail in the difficult, moving in the mud. " An e-commerce practitioners discourse gave a little helplessness.
语法小知识短语be meant to do sth是“必须做,应该做”的意思。例如:You’re meant to take your shoes off when you enter a Hindu tempie.(进入印度教寺庙时,你必须脱掉