
来源 :矿业装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mouliyue
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目前,我国矿山机械产品的回收利用率低、再制造技术使用率低,因而导致资源的大量浪费和环境的严重污染。为了缓解有限资源和无限浪费之间的矛盾,减少环境污染,我国政府做出了“发展循环经济、建设节约型社会”的重大战略决策。循环经济中的4R原则(Reduce减量化、Reuse再利用、Recycle再循环、Remanufacture再制造)就是最大限度地减少资源消耗,同时又把废弃物最大限度地变废为宝,减少自然资源的消 At present, the recovery rate of mine mechanical products in our country is low, and the utilization rate of remanufacturing technology is low, resulting in a lot of waste of resources and serious environmental pollution. In order to alleviate the contradiction between limited resources and unlimited waste and reduce environmental pollution, our government has made major strategic decisions such as “developing a recycling economy and building a conservation-oriented society.” The 4R principles of circular economy (Reduce reduction, Reuse reuse, Recycle recycling, Remanufacture remanufacturing) is to minimize resource consumption, while turning the waste into treasure, reducing the consumption of natural resources
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艳春虽然说一年中最美的季节不只是春天,但一年中充满希望的季节就只有春天了。小草在沉睡了一冬之后,苏醒了。穿着嫩绿的外衣,悄悄地钻出地面,给人们带来意外的惊喜。 Alth
把手合在胸前的  是我在月下祈祷——  在远方辛勤劳作的你  在岁月煎熬里一切可好?    想你帮我抹去泪水的双手  念你为我抚平伤痕的歌谣  还记得  在噩梦中惊醒的我  又沉沉睡于你温暖的怀抱?    希望  思念化作小船,飘进你的梦乡  载着你轻轻荡漾  抚去你心中些许哀伤    渴望  祝福化作光圈,印进你的心房  绕着你轻轻旋转  融化你内心丝丝凄凉
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有一对蚂蚁兄弟,它们不满蚁王的统治,也不满于每天辛苦劳作而获得一点点的报酬,更不满于住在拥挤的蚁窝里。 There are a pair of ant brothers who are not satisfied with
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