未雨绸缪 防治亚健康

来源 :健康向导 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taishao
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专家特别强调:有专家列出了亚健康的24种症状:浑身无力、容易疲倦、头脑不清爽、思想涣散、头痛、面部疼痛、眼睛疲劳、视力下降、鼻塞眩晕、站立时眼前发黑、耳鸣、咽喉异物感、胃闷不适、颈肩僵硬、睡眠不良、晨起不爽、手足发凉、手掌发黏、便秘、心悸气短、手足麻木感、容易晕车、坐立不安、心烦意乱。资料表明,人群中处于亚健康状态者占近70%。亚健康不但影响人们的工作和生活,而且发展下去将最终导致疾病的发生。现代人类的三大生命杀手——心脑血管病、癌症、糖尿病,无一例外地都经历了亚健康这个发展阶段。因此,亚健康必须引起我们的高度重视。 Experts stress: Some experts have listed 24 kinds of symptoms of sub-health: whole body weakness, easy to weariness, unaffected minds, loose thoughts, headache, facial pain, eye fatigue, decreased vision, stuffy nose and dizziness, black eyes immediately when standing, tinnitus , Throat foreign body sensation, stomach discomfort, neck and shoulder stiffness, poor sleep, early morning uncomfortable, hand, foot and hair, palms sticky, constipation, palpitations shortness of breath, numbness of hands and feet, easy motion sickness, restless, upset. Data show that people in the sub-health population accounted for nearly 70%. Subhealth will not only affect people’s work and life, but will eventually lead to the development of disease. Modern life’s three major killer of life - cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, without exception, have experienced the sub-health stage of this development. Therefore, sub-health must arouse our attention.
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