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当今的基层,战士中的竞争也是无处不在,无时不有,比如成长进步中的竞争、争先创优中的竞争等等。但竞争也是把双刃剑。一方面,它是基层保持旺盛生机和活力的重要动力源:另一方面,如果过激、出偏,则又会成为影响基层建设的一股“激流”。带兵人应乘势而上,顺势而为,适时引导,将“激流”化为催生战斗力的涓涓细流。慧眼识别真面目。竞争有高、低层次之分。高层次是通过竞争提高自身素质和威信,低层次则单纯为达到个人目的。首先,带兵人要正视竞争的存在,承认其积极的 At the grassroots today, the competition among fighters is ubiquitous and endless, such as competition for growth and progress, competition for excellence and excellence. But competition is double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is an important source of power for the grassroots to maintain vigorous vitality and vitality. On the other hand, if they are over-excited and they are biased, they will become a “torrent” that affects the construction of grassroots units. The troops should take advantage of the momentum and take advantage of the opportunity to guide them in a timely manner and transform the “torrent” into a trickle of fighting capacity. Goggles recognize the true face. High competition, low-level points. At a high level, it is through competition that improves its own quality and prestige, while at the lower level, it merely serves its own purpose. First of all, the soldier should face up to the competition and acknowledge its positiveness
在思想政治教育过程中,教育者和受教育者之间存在意识互动,科学认识并充分发挥意识互动在思想政治教育中的能动性,对提升思想政治教育效力有重要意义。 In the process of i
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思想政治教育要增强实效性,必须遵循认同规律,坚持科学的利益认同,培养深厚的情感认同,实现根本的价值认同。 Ideological and political education to enhance effectivene