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近日,Sun 公司总裁兼首席运营官 EdwardZander 先生来北京出席了“龙腾新世纪—网络效应系列论坛”的揭幕仪式,并以“企业如何发挥网络效应以面对网络新经济时代的挑战”为题发表演讲。在提出将“网络效应”发挥至极致的口号同时,总裁先生还就与中国教育部合作共建10个国家级现代远程教育中心并捐赠网络设备达成协议。此外,Zander 先生还宣布了 Sun 将在北京成立Sun 技术工程中心的计划,并使之成为 Sun 全球工程开发资源的重要组成部分。在华期间,Zander 先生同信息产业部和教育部的领导进行了友好交谈,同时还同银行、电信等用户和合作伙伴进行了座谈。据悉,Sun 的2001财年第二季度营收额比上财年同期增了44%,净收入增长了56%。在2000年全美服务器市场上,Sun 已跃升到榜首地位,全球服务器市场第二位。 Recently, Sun’s president and chief operating officer, Edward Zander, came to Beijing to attend the unveiling ceremony of “Dragon New Century-Network Effect Series Forum” and “How Enterprises Play Network Effect to Face the Challenge of New Internet Age” Give a speech for the title. While putting forward the slogan of maximizing “network effect ”, the president also reached an agreement with the Chinese Ministry of Education to jointly build 10 state-level modern distance education centers and donate network equipment. In addition, Zander also announced plans for Sun to set up a Sun Technology Engineering Center in Beijing and make it an integral part of Sun’s global engineering development resources. During his stay in China, Mr. Zander held friendly talks with the heads of the Ministry of Information Industry and the Ministry of Education, as well as held discussions with users and partners such as banks and telecommunications. It is reported that Sun’s fiscal 2001 second quarter revenue increased 44% over the same period last year, net income increased 56%. In 2000 the server market in the United States, Sun has jumped to the top position, second in the global server market.
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