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刑讯逼供不仅严重危害当事人的权利,而且有损于社会主义民主法制形象。国家在法律层面,特别是在《刑事诉讼法》的修正案中直接针对如何遏制刑讯逼供进行了制度的构建,试图消除刑讯逼供在司法实务中的存在,但效果不佳。在《刑事诉讼法》面临再修改之际,文章从思想意识和观念的转变这一角度来探讨我国遏制刑讯逼供的对策,即改变传统文化中重公权轻私权的观念,培养公民的人权保障理念,落实国家对公民个体权利保障的制度;培养“法治国家”的意识;消除法律工具论的观念,培植法律公平、正义为核心的价值观念;培养公民自身的权利意识。 Extorting confessions by torture not only endangers the rights of the parties seriously, but also undermines the image of socialist democracy and the legal system. At the legal level, especially in the amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the state has directly aimed at how to curb the system of torture and tries to eliminate the existence of torture in judicial practice, but the effect is not good. When the “Criminal Procedure Law” faces further revision, the article probes into the countermeasures of curbing the extortion of torture in our country from the perspective of the change of ideology and concept, that is, the concept of changing the light and private rights of the heavy public rights in the traditional culture and cultivating the human rights of citizens Protect the concept, and implement the system of state protection of the individual rights of citizens; cultivate the awareness of the “state by law”; eliminate the notion of legal instrumentalism and foster values ​​centered on legal fairness and justice; and cultivate citizens’ own sense of rights.