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为更好地开展基层工会图书馆(室)的工作,充分调动工会图书馆(室)工作人员的工作积极性,长沙市图书馆组织本市部分厂矿企业工会图书馆(室)先进工作者赴石家庄、大连、青岛等地参观学习。此次活动历时二十余天,主要参观了这些市的基层工会图书馆,对他们的基础业务建设,读者服务工作,以及如何组织职工开展读书活动等都进行了深入、细致的调查了解。通过参加学习,使这些基层工会图书馆工作者开拓了视野,增 In order to better carry out the work of grass-roots trade union libraries (room), and fully mobilize the work enthusiasm of the staff of the trade union library (room), the Changsha City Library organized some advanced workers in the labor union library (room) of the factories and mines of the city to go to Shijiazhuang , Dalian, Qingdao and other places to study. The event lasted more than twenty days and mainly visited the grassroots trade union libraries in these cities to conduct an in-depth and detailed investigation and understanding of their basic business construction, service for readers and how to organize staffs to carry out reading activities. By participating in the study, these grassroots union library workers have broadened their horizons and added more
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高阳馆外酒旗风,秋入龙池月皎皎,古冢遗迹怀晏相,淄江钓罢归来晚,矮矮槐荫夏日浓。春回牛山雨蒙蒙。荒台故址吊桓公。西寺楼头听晓钟。临淄八景 Gaoyang Hall outside the w
Beijing Northern Yashi Assets Appraisal Firm(special ordinary partnership)is the first special ordinary partnership firm in Chinese assels appraisal industry.It
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