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由世界生产力科学联盟、中国生产力学会、第14届世界生产力大会中国组织委员会共同举办的“2006世界市场中国十大年度品牌”评选活动中,中国人寿作为金融保险行业唯一一家入选企业,入选“2006中国十大世界影响力品牌”,中国人寿保险(集团)公司总裁杨超同时荣获“2006推动中国品牌国际化十大年度人物”。作为国内最大的保险集团和民族保险品牌的代表,近年来,中国人寿一直坚持立足国内市场,着眼全球化竞争,以宽阔的国际化视野确立公司的战略目标,以国际一流金 China Life Insurance was the only company selected in the “Top Ten Brands in the World Market 2006” jointly organized by the World Federation of Productivity Science, the Chinese Productivity Society and the Organizing Committee of the 14th World Productivity Congress, and was named “2006 China top ten world influential brand ”, China Life Insurance (Group) Company President Yang Chao also won the“ 2006 China brand to promote the top ten international figures. ” As the largest insurance group and representative of national insurance brand in China, in recent years, China Life Insurance has been sticking to the domestic market and focusing on global competition. With a broad international perspective, it has established the strategic goal of the company. With world-class gold
本刊讯(特约通讯员陈世平)11月23日,福建省福安市农业局、葡萄协会专家来到湾坞乡炉山村,对该村0.4hm2“一年两熟”栽培试验的巨峰葡萄进行现场检 Our correspondent (speci
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本周A股市场承接上周强势,沪深300指数收于1318.10点,一周涨1.75%。两市成交额明显放大,上海市场从上周的722亿升至1062亿元;深圳市场从442亿增加到650亿元。 A-share market t
在国际艺术文化领域有一个奇怪的文化跨国传播现象:印度电影绝不西化而保持本民族的特色,却受到西方的尊敬和青睐,成为当今世界多种电影 In the field of international art