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每年一度的法新社最佳图片于近日揭晓。2002年共有17张财经图片入选“最佳”。这些图片已经进入历史.成为2002年经贸历程的真实见证。我刊将分两期刊登这些精彩图片.与您一起重温2002年世界经贸的十七个难忘瞬间。 2002年6月4日.美国联邦储备主席格林斯潘在蒙特利尔国际货币会议小组会上。他的身影被映射到大厅镜子上。加拿大银行与美国银行的步调越来越不一致。6月4日这天.加拿大银行将其基本贷款利率提高1/4点.这已经是当年的第二次调整。(图1) The annual AFP best picture was announced recently. In 2002 a total of 17 financial photos selected “best.” These pictures have entered history and have become the true testimony of the economic and trade history in 2002. I will publish these wonderful pictures in two phases and review with you the seventeen unforgettable moments of the world economy and trade in 2002. June 4, 2002. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at Montreal International Monetary Conference Group Meeting. His figure is mapped to the hall mirror. Bank of Canada and Bank of America pace of increasingly inconsistent. On June 4, Bank of Canada raised its base lending rate by 1/4 point, the second adjustment of the year. (figure 1)
不自吹自擂,不矫柔造做,而是让别人夸,真心实意地夸,这样的广告,才是最成功的广告…… Do not boast, not to make unreasonable, but let others boast, sincerely boast,
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对4 081份脑脊液标本进行细胞学检查时,确诊12例为脑膜癌病.该12例中10例颅脑CT检查为阴性;颅脑MIR检查2例见有脑积水,6例为阴性.提示脑脊液细胞学检查诊断脑膜癌病具有简便、快速、准确的特点,对提高脑膜癌病诊断率、减少漏诊和误诊具有重要意义。