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一年多来,在贯彻国民经济调整、改革、整顿、提高的方针中,全国有六千多个国营工业企业相继开展了扩大企业经营管理自主权(以下简称扩权)的试点。这是改革工业管理体制的重要起步。尽管扩权试点的内容由国家限定了一定的范围,还属于小改小革的性质,但是这项改革已经深刻地触及了现行的经济管理制度,使国民经济生活的许多方面开始发生了重大变化。当前,怎样评价扩权试点的方向和成果,怎样正确处理调整与改革的关系,怎样进一步巩固提高扩权试点工作,把改革坚持下去,是经济理论界和广大实际经济工作者以及扩权试点企业十分关心的问题。长期以来,我国在管理经济的方法上,由于集中过多,统的过死,捆住了企业的手脚,压抑了企业生产经营的积极性。扩权以 Over the past year and more, over the past year, more than 6,000 state-owned industrial enterprises have carried out pilot projects aimed at expanding their autonomy in business operation and management (hereinafter referred to as the “expansion of authority”) in carrying out the policy of readjustment, reform, rectification and improvement of the national economy. This is an important start for reforming the industrial management system. Although the content of the pilot project for expansion of power is limited to a certain extent by the state and belongs to the nature of minor reforms, the reform has touched profoundly on the current economic management system and has undergone major changes in many aspects of the national economy . At present, how to evaluate the direction and achievements of the pilot project of expansion of power, how to properly handle the relationship between adjustment and reform, how to further consolidate and enhance pilot projects for expanding power, and persist in the reform are both the economic and theoretical circles as well as the majority of actual economic workers as well as the expansion of pilot enterprises Very concerned about the problem. For a long time, our economy in management methods, due to too much concentration, the death of the system, tied the hands and feet of enterprises, depressing the enthusiasm of production and management. Power to expand
Soil samples for conventional management (CM) and intensive management (IM) practices were taken over a year at 2-month intervals to determine the effect of man
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