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记者,在一些国家被看成是“无冕之王”。在我国,记者是党和人民的喉舌,他们要忠诚地宣传党的思想,反映人民的心声。可是,大兴安岭森林大火中,我国新闻记者的行动和遭遇,将引起人们的沉思。1987年5月7日,一场可怕的灾难在中国东北发生。火灾肆虐:193人被夺去了生命,3000万立方米的树林化为焦炭,5万同胞流离失所。 Reporter, in some countries is seen as “king without crown ”. In our country, reporters are the mouthpieces of the party and the people. They want to faithfully propagate the party’s thinking and reflect the aspirations of the people. However, in the forest fire in Daxinganling, the actions and encounters of our journalists will arouse people’s meditations. May 7, 1987, a terrible disaster occurred in northeast China. The fire raged: 193 people were killed, 30 million cubic meters of trees were turned into coke and 50,000 were displaced.
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Unambiguous understanding in lithium anode failure mechanism calls for a comprehensive methodology to investigate the coupled morphological,electrochemical and
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Ammonia synthesis by electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) is considered as a promising alternative to the Haber-Bosch process.However,due to the e