横店,想说爱你不容易 “横漂”们的梦想和现实

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“横漂”们期盼着从这里起步,有朝一日成为家喻户晓的影视明星。但不是每一个群众演员都能成为王宝强,有人选择放弃,但也有人依旧坚持着自己的梦想,等待一个绽放的可能。横店老演员公会门口,上百名姑娘、小伙在这里排队,等待一辆辆开往剧组外景地的大巴,这一幕每天都在上演。曾经,地处浙江省中部东阳市的小镇横店面临着这样的现实:农民过着面朝黄土背朝天的生活;整座小镇不过是由泥泞 “Horizontal drift ” We look forward to starting from here, one day become a well-known movie star. But not every extras actor can become Wang Baoqiang, some people choose to give up, but some people still persist in their dreams, waiting for a bloom possible. Hengdian veterans guild door, hundreds of girls, guys here line up, waiting for a bus bound for the location of the crew of the bus, this scene staged every day. Once, Hengdian, a small town located in Dongyang, in the middle of Zhejiang Province, faced the reality that peasants lived a life facing the loess and turned their backs; the entire town was only made of muddy
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【例 1】 女 ,2 3岁。 1999年 10月发现左上颈部 2cm×2cm大小肿块 ,质韧 ,活动 ,无触痛 ,生长缓慢 ,自服抗生素无效。去某医院就诊 ,结核菌素试验呈强阳性 ,诊断为淋巴结核 ,予
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