
来源 :河南医药信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjq12262024
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当前,改革我国在计划经济时代确定的医疗保健制度和药品管理体制,创建具有中国特色的非处方管理体制已刻不容缓。我国第一个“非处方药管理办法”和“第一批非处方药目录”可望在今年公布,这是我国医疗事业的重大决策,适应了当前我国社会主义市场经济的发展,符合国际惯例 At present, the reform of the health care system and drug management system established in the era of planned economy in China and the establishment of an over-the-counter management system with Chinese characteristics are urgently needed. China’s first “over-the-counter drug management approach” and “first non-prescription drug directory” are expected to be announced this year. This is a major policy decision for China’s medical industry. It has adapted to the development of China’s current socialist market economy and conforms to international practices.
On the basis of hydrogen bonding directed layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly we have fabricated two multilayersystems, poly(acrylic acid) bearng spironaphthoxazine
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目的 :制备胃安冲剂 ,制定质量控制标准。方法 :用C18-ODS为固定相 ,乙晴 -水 -冰乙酸 (15∶10∶1)为流动相 ,紫外检测波长为294nm。结果 :厚朴酚浓度线性范围为0 075~0 525μ