
来源 :科学时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao_zhuang_lin
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周光召:理论物理、粒子物理学家。1929年5月15日生于湖南长沙,1951年毕业于清华大学,其后在北京大学研究生院学习。曾任中国科学院理论物理所所长、中国物理学会副理事长、中国国际交流学会副会长、中国科学院院长等职,现任中国科协主席、国际纯粹与应用物理联合会副主席等职。1980年当选为中国科学院院士,同时为美国、前苏联及13个国家科学院外籍院士,并曾获意大利爵士勋章。主要从事高能物理,核武器理论等方面的研究并取得突出成就。 Zhou Guang Zhao: Theoretical Physics, particle physicist. May 15, 1929 Born in Changsha, Hunan, graduated from Tsinghua University in 1951, then studied at Peking University Graduate School. Former director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, vice president of the Chinese Society of Physics, vice president of China International Exchange Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other posts, the incumbent president of China Association for science and technology, the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics vice chairman and other staff. In 1980 he was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, at the same time for the United States, the former Soviet Union and the 13 national academy of sciences foreign academician, and won the Italian Sir Medal. Mainly engaged in high-energy physics, nuclear weapons theory and other aspects of research and achieved outstanding achievements.
作为“新艺见”大师讲座系列之布鲁诺.拉图尔北京讲座的独家艺术媒体合作伙伴,《艺术界》藉由此次拉图尔访华,特别邀请了学者姜宇辉进行了笔访。As the exclusive media part
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