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国家外国专家局、中国行政管理学会、中国国际人才交流协会、中国社会科学院经济学博士中心等单位于2003年12月4-5日在北京联合举办了“中国首届政府应急管理国际论坛”。全国政协副主席、中国行政管理学会名誉会长李贵鲜出席了开幕式。国家有关部门的领导、中外应急管理专家学者及各有关方面代表共150人参加了会议。会议就政府应急管理体系建设、预警和应急机制、危机处理原则与方法、政府应急管理的国际经验等课题展开了深入研讨。 The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, the Chinese Academy of Administration, the China Association of International Talents Exchange, and the Ph.D. Center for Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences jointly held the “China's First International Forum on Government Emergency Management” on December 4-5, 2003 in Beijing. Li Gui-Xian, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and honorary president of the Chinese Institute of Administration, attended the opening ceremony. A total of 150 people, including leaders of relevant state departments, Chinese and foreign experts in emergency management and experts and representatives from all relevant parties, attended the meeting. The meeting conducted an in-depth discussion on topics such as government emergency management system construction, early warning and emergency response mechanism, crisis management principles and methods, and international experience in government emergency management.
日语学习班开学报名时,来了一位老者。“给孩子报名?”登记小姐问。“不,自己。”老人回答。小姐愕然。屋里那些年轻的报名者也愕然,有的嗤(chī)笑。 When the Japanese st
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喜欢听你描绘那十一月的星光 狮 子 座 的 星 雨 如 我 如果 想 何你 幻是 化天 出使 万 丈 光 芒 一 展 我 如 与 衬 我 如 映 收 我 如装 用 比
20 0 0年 9月 1 2日青海省兴海县发生 6 6级地震 ,青海省地震局为本次地震进行了地震灾害调查和损失评估 On September 12, 2000, a magnitude 6 6 earthquake hit Xinghai
We give the characteristic equation of a W-type fiber by solving Maxwell's equations along with boundary conditions at the interfaces. The cutoff condition of t