Generation of spectrally stable 6.5-fs visible pulses via filamentation in krypton

来源 :High Power Laser Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sevenff
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We produced 5-μJ, 6.5-fs visible pulses at a repetition rate of 1 kHz using filamentation in a gas cell filled with krypton followed by spectral selection and phase compensation by a combination of dielectric mirrors. The visible pulses have a smooth spectrum from 520 to 650 nm with a shot-to-shot stability in each spectral component of better than 2%(standard deviation). This pulse compression scheme is simple and robust, and can be easily integrated into intense ultrashort-pulse laser systems. We produced 5-μJ, 6.5-fs visible pulses at a repetition rate of 1 kHz using filamentation in a gas cell filled with krypton followed by spectral selection and phase compensation by a combination of dielectric mirrors. The visible pulses have a smooth spectrum from 520 to 650 nm with a shot-to-shot stability in each spectral component of better than 2% (standard deviation). This pulse compression scheme is simple and robust, and can be easily integrated into intense ultrashort-pulse laser systems.
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1 简 介该产品是一种生理调节剂 ,在医学上有着广泛和重要的用途 ,经临床实用证明 ,该药是急性心肌梗塞 ,心功能不全 ,冠心病 ,糖尿病 ,心肌缺血 ,休克 ,缺血性脑血管意外