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绘画是动画造型基础,只有通过绘画掌握造型规律、造型方法,掌握观察、思考、分析、表达、提升的手段,才能更好的创作动画造型,创造更多的动画形象;而通过给动画内容着色可以提升动画的品质与美观性,吸引更多的受众。本文论述了动画专业对绘画基础学习的重要性和不可或缺性,提高动画学习意识。在动漫作品中,通过对现实生活的观察,再加以提炼、概括和夸张,使其个性化,既符合艺术变形的规律又区别于其他形象,简练而又独特,使观众产生共鸣,过目不忘。以动画角色设计为例,角色是设计师创造的虚拟形象,它们源于生活又高于生活,既要反应人们对生活的态度和愿望,还要做到正确指引人们对美好生活的追求。日本动漫鼻祖手塚治虫1960年的漫画作品《西游记》被东映改编成了动画长片,开创了日本式的“先有漫画后有动画”这种模式之先河。因在参与《西游记》拍摄的过程中手冢学到了很多动画制作方面的知识,所以第二年他离开东映组建了自己的公司“虫制作公司”(虫production),尝试制作符合自己理念的动画。由此我们可以看出不论是漫画还是动画都是由绘画作为基础进而演变的。结合动画创作的特点,研究绘画对于动漫创作的意义,有利于更好的提高动画人的专业素养和作品,这在动画行业发展越来越迅速、竞争愈发激烈的大环境下具有现实意义。中国拥有五千年文化历史,亦是四大文明古国之一。我们拥有源远流长的民族传统绘画文化。而动画是一门综合艺术,从可持续性的发展角度来看目前我国的动画市场,仅仅靠学习或模仿其他国家的动画风格而不创新不能进步也代表不了我国的动画文化。把民族文化融入动画之中,可以使得我国的动画不断创新也可以使民族文化精髓滋养动画艺术,文化的民族性应当是我国动画发展的灵魂,以我国民族文化为核心的动画创作才应是我国动画艺术创作的主要发展之路。 Painting is the foundation of animation modeling. Only through painting can we master the modeling rules, modeling methods, master the methods of observation, thinking, analysis, expression and promotion to better create animation shapes and create more animated images. By coloring the animation contents Can improve the quality and aesthetics of the animation, to attract more audiences. This article discusses the importance and indispensability of animation major to the basic learning of painting and improves the awareness of animation learning. In the animation works, through the observation of the real life, and then refined, summarized and exaggerated, make it individual, not only in line with the laws of art deformation but also different from other images, concise and unique, so that the audience resonate, never forget . Take the design of animated characters as an example. Characters are the virtual images created by designers. They originate from life and are higher than life. They reflect not only the attitude and desire of people toward life, but also the correct pursuit of people’s guidance for a better life. Japanese anime founder Tezuka Osamu 1960 comic work “Journey to the West” was adapted by Toei Animated feature films, creating a Japanese-style “animation after the first comic ” this precedent. Because of his involvement in the Journey to the West during his shooting, Tezuka learned a lot about animation, so the following year he left Toei to set up his own company, “worm production company” (worm production company) Animated cartoon of one’s own idea. From this we can see that both the cartoon and animation are based on the painting as the basis for further evolution. Combining with the characteristics of animation creation, studying the significance of painting for animation creation helps to improve the professionalism and works of animators, which is of practical significance under the environment of more and more rapid development of animation industry and increasingly fierce competition. China has 5,000 years of cultural history and is also one of the four ancient civilizations. We have a long history of national traditional painting culture. Animation is a comprehensive art. From the perspective of sustainable development, the current animation market in our country can not represent the animation culture of our country merely by learning or imitating the animation style of other countries without innovation. The integration of national culture into the animation can make the continuous innovation of our animation can also nourish the essence of national culture animation art, cultural nationality should be the soul of the development of animation in our country, national culture as the core animation should be our country The main development of animation art creation.
从黑龙江省的插队知青到中专教师,从浙江省嘉兴市市委书记到浙江省省委副书记、河北省省委副书记,从全国总工会副主席直至福建省省长、省委书记,今年54岁的卢展工,足迹跨越中国的大江南北。    插队13年    卢展工的履历中,有一段经历特别引人注意,那就是黑龙江13年的知青生活。1969年,他随浙江省第一批知青到黑龙江富锦新立屯插队。1972年,进黑龙江建工学校念中专,毕业后留校任教。恢复高考后,考入
- 1948年,联合国全体会议通过的《全球人权宣言》确认,所有人享有公正和良好的工作条件的权利。令人遗憾的是,全世界仍有数亿人在人的尊严和价值被漠视的条件下工作。据估计
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