
来源 :科学中国人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbin
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伴随着科教兴国战略的提出,我国教育体制开始实施改革,教育方法也不断得到创新。教育对于一个国家至关重要,与国人的素质直接相关,因此,要想提高学生们的素质,就要实施高效的教育方法,以此来提升我国的教育水平。在新课改的“自主学习”的背景下,在高中教学中逐渐兴起了“先学后教”的教育模式,通过对学生进行这种教学模式的教育,学生们能够显著地提升学习效率和减轻沉重的学习负担。本文将会全面探讨并深刻剖析“先学后教”教学模式,以高中生物教学中的“先学后教”模式的实例进行全面分析,分析这种教学模式的实用价值和教学意义。 With the introduction of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the education system in our country started to implement reforms and the methods of education were constantly being innovated. Education is of the utmost importance to a country and directly related to the quality of the people. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of students, effective education methods must be implemented in order to raise the level of education in our country. In the new curriculum reform “autonomous learning ” background, in the high school teaching gradually rise “first learn after teaching ” education mode, through the students of this teaching mode of education, students can significantly Improve learning efficiency and reduce heavy study load. This article will comprehensively explore and profoundly analyze the teaching mode of “prior learning and after teaching” and conduct a comprehensive analysis with the examples of “prior learning and post teaching” mode in biology teaching in senior high schools to analyze the practical value and teaching of this teaching mode significance.
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