There aren’t any crocodiles in the pond

来源 :今日中学生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiaohong75
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Liu Hua’s father contracted a pond(承包了一个池塘). The pond was very big. There were many flowers around it. There were some trees behind the flowers. It was a very beautiful place to travel. There were many different fishes in the pond. Liu Hua’s father fed them every day and they could swim freely in the water. The place was very quiet. The fishes came out at times. One day, some young men from the city found the place. And they began to have swimming in the pond. Liu Hua’s father adviced them. But they didn’t listen to him. He had to write two words on a big sign(牌子): No Swimming. The next Sunday some other young men came and had swimming in the pond, too. He could not stop them swimming in the pond. He was very angry. People swimming in the pond were not good for the fishes to grow. He worried about his fishes. One Sunday morning Liu Hua told his father he could stop the people swimming in the pond. He told his father not to go to the pond and he could stay there by himself. When Liu Hua was playing, three young men came to the pond. “What a nice place it is!”one of them shouted. Then he saw Liu Hua and he came over to him. There are many trees behind the flowers. It was a very beautiful place to travel. There were many different fishes in the Pond. Liu Hua’s father fed them every day and they could swim freely in the water. The place was very quiet. The fishes came out at times. One day, some young men from the city found the place. And they began to have swimming In the pond. Liu Hua’s father adviced them. But they didn’t listen to him. He had to write two words on a big sign(牌): No Swimming. The next Sunday some other young men came and had swimming in the pond. , too. He could not stop them swimming in the pond. He was very angry. People swimming in the pond were not good for the fishes to grow. He worried about his fishes. One Sunday morning Liu Hua told his father he could stop the People told in the pond. He told his father not to go to the pond and he could stay there there him Self. When Liu Hua was playing, three young men came to the pond. “What a nice place it is!”one of them shouted. Then he saw Liu Hua and he came over to him.
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“有些议员是婊子养的”    英国科学家赫胥黎有一句名言:“在独裁者的眼睛里,自由的智慧和智慧的自由是最大的敌人。”马克·吐温正是独裁者眼里最大的敌人。  在一次记者招待会上,马克·吐温痛骂国会中有些议员“是婊了养的”。议员们怒不可遏,要求诉诸法律。马克·吐温立即发表声明:“日前鄙人说有些议员是婊子养的,事后有人大兴问罪之师。经再三思索,深悔此言不妥,特登报声明,将我的话修正如下:‘国会中有些议员
一块铁的唱词  ——写给魏灵太后胡承华  一册长卷,轻轻合上,最后一句:鱼,涸死在自己的水域。  转过身去,将一生放下,天空不舍日月,江湖不舍涓滴,而你却将储君放下,置入没有钥匙的柜子。天黑之时,谁都不会忘记回家的路,惟一手指,还能触摸到一缕血脉的途经。  信手拈花,一场持续不断的大风,吹来一阵阵涟漪,从寺庙到江边,完成一次深水区的夜游。  将剑收起寒光,怀念过去的履历。火焰、海水、珊瑚化石、玉制