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镇原县是全国第二大杏乡,杏产品开发已名列全国第一。座落在该县东部一个小镇上的上肖工业公司,是我省唯一一家在首届中国糖酒工业企业评价中被评为“最大市场占有额百强之一”的蜜饯制造企业。原任厂长、经理,现任党支部书记的曹惠民也成了有名人物。曹惠民的创业是从一盘烘炉的小打铁作坊起步的,历经27个春秋,至今已建起了拥有19个独立核算车间,近350万元资产的工业公司,从单一的镐头、镰刀加工发展到奶油杏肉、甘草杏、八宝杏、豆浆晶、精制杏酱、果脯、味醋、七寸步犁、沙发家具等10多个品种,有4个品种的产品荣获“省优”称号,连续24年盈余。1993年完成总产值471万元,销售收入390万元,实现利税55万元。1989年企业被晋升为省二级企业,1990年被评为省乡镇明星企业,1991年以来被庆阳地区行署命名为 Zhenyuan County is the country’s second largest apricot, apricot product development has been ranked first in the country. Located on a small town in the eastern part of the county, Shaw Industrial Co., Ltd. is the only compote manufacturing enterprise in the province that was rated as “one of the top 100 market share” in the evaluation of the first China Sugar and Alcohol Industry Enterprise. Cao Huimin, former director and manager of the party branch secretary, also became a famous person. Cao Huimin’s business started from a small blacksmith’s workshop of baking ovens. After 27 years of spring and autumn, an industrial company with 19 independent accounting shops and nearly 3.5 million yuan worth of assets has been established. From a single pick, sickle processing and development To the cream apricot, licorice apricot, eight apricot, soybean milk crystal, refined apricot butter, preserved fruit, vinegar, seven inch plow, sofa furniture more than 10 varieties, 4 varieties of products won the title of “provincial superior” , For 24 consecutive years of surplus. In 1993, it achieved a total output value of 4.71 million yuan, a sales revenue of 3.9 million yuan and a profit tax of 550,000 yuan. In 1989 the company was promoted to a provincial second-tier enterprise, was named the provincial township star enterprise in 1990, and has been named as
The title compound was synthesized by Friedel-Crafts reaction of tetrahydroxycalix [4] arene and propionyl choride, and its crystal structure was determined by
用瞬时碰撞模型处理化学反应产物的转动取向 “.…“................……”...·.·····.·····……李润君韩克利李芙粤吕日昌何国钟HZSMS分子筛上甲苯-甲醇烷基化
The title compound 2-(phenylamino thioformyl)-3,4,5,6-tetrahy-dropyrimidine(C11H13N3S,Mr=219)was synthesized by the reaction of N,N’-diphenyl dithiooxamide wi