Raman crystal lasers in the visible and near-infrared

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mybose
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Raman lasers based on potassium gadolinium tungstate and lead tungstate crystals pumped by a ≈120 ps Nd: YAG laser at 1.064 μm were developed. High reflection mirrors for the Stokes wavelength have been used to generate near infrared and eye safe spectral region of 1.15-1.32 μm. Second harmonic generation of the generated Raman lasers was observed. Eifficient multiple Stokes and anti Stokes picosecond generation in 64 crystals have been shown to exhibit stimulated Raman scattering on about 700 lines covering the whole visible and near infrared spectrum. All stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) wavelengths in the visible and near infrared spectrum are identified and attributed to the SRS active vibration modes of these crystals. Raman lasers based on potassium gadolinium tungstate and lead tungstate crystals pumped by a ≈120 ps Nd: YAG laser at 1.064 μm were developed. High reflection mirrors for the Stokes wavelength have been used to generate near infrared and eye safe spectral region of 1.15-1.32 Second harmonic generation of the generated Raman lasers was observed. Eifficient multiple Stokes and anti Stokes picosecond generation in 64 crystals have been shown to exhibit stimulated Raman scattering on about 700 lines covering the whole visible and near infrared spectrum. All stimulated Raman scattering ( SRS) wavelengths in the visible and near infrared spectra are identified and attributed to the SRS active vibration modes of these crystals.
在刚刚落幕的辽宁省第五届艺术节和辽宁第九届戏剧玫瑰奖评比发奖大会上传来喜讯 ,沈阳京剧院优秀文武老生演员张宏伟因主演新编历史剧《煎石记》和传统折子戏《乌盆记》、《
目的 :寻找一种无毒吸收液代替含汞吸收液测定食品中的SO2 。方法 :通过对两种检验方法精密度、准确度等的对比 ,论证新方法的可行性。结果 :新方法的线性良好 ,r =0 .9993 ;
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