Machine Learning in Chemical Engineering:Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,and Threats

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Chemical engineers rely on models for design,research,and daily decision-making,often with potentially large financial and safety implications.Previous efforts a few decades ago to combine artificial intelli-gence and chemical engineering for modeling were unable to fulfill the expectations.In the last five years,the increasing availability of data and computational resources has led to a resurgence in machine learning-based research.Many recent efforts have facilitated the roll-out of machine learning techniques in the research field by developing large databases,benchmarks,and representations for chemical appli-cations and new machine learning frameworks.Machine learning has significant advantages over tradi-tional modeling techniques,including flexibility,accuracy,and execution speed.These strengths also come with weaknesses,such as the lack of interpretability of these black-box models.The greatest oppor-tunities involve using machine learning in time-limited applications such as real-time optimization and planning that require high accuracy and that can build on models with a self-learning ability to recognize patterns,learn from data,and become more intelligent over time.The greatest threat in artificial intelli-gence research today is inappropriate use because most chemical engineers have had limited training in computer science and data analysis.Nevertheless,machine learning will definitely become a trustworthy element in the modeling toolbox of chemical engineers.
针对新元煤矿9104工作面沿空巷道,综合理论分析、数值模拟的结果,优化了9104煤柱宽度的留设,综合确定了9140工作面区段煤柱合理宽度为9 m.研究结果表明:采用理论分析计算得到沿空巷道煤柱宽度应不小于9 m;采用数值模拟得到当煤柱宽度为6、9、25 m时,煤柱帮及实煤体帮的变形量均较小,但当煤柱宽度为25 m时处在应力升高区,巷道两帮所受垂直应力较大,且煤柱太宽造成了不必要的资源浪费.当煤柱为6 m时,实煤体帮变形较大,综合考虑下9 m煤柱为留设最佳宽度.
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