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请广大读者万勿误会,以为本期特稿是为投资家策划的而忽略阅读。其实本期特稿是专为普通老百姓策划的。因为我们认为:伴随着11月10日中国加入世贸组织,对中国人来说,一个陌生的荒芜无主的巨大市场呈现于自己面前,这会像改革开放初期那样,又是一个难得的好机遇,又是一次投资的黄金时代,又必然会掀起一股圈地热潮,又必然会造就一批亿万富翁。如果谁能眼尖手快,紧紧抓住这一时机进行投资,谁就是新时代的弄潮儿,谁就会屹立于新时代造就的大腕巨擘之中。本期特稿的策划目的:叫投资走下圣坛,还投资也是老百姓事的本来面目。使读者了解投资这一用钱(资本)赚钱的合理合法的赚钱渠道。使读者懂得投资是造就富翁的高速公路,有钱没钱的人都可以驶上投资的快车道。使读者看清目前的形势,学会投资和回避风险,迎接投资的新进代。最后,倘若您看了本篇特稿,受到了启发,认清了形势,抓住这一难得机遇进行科学投资,成为富翁,成为新时代的弄潮儿,万勿忘记本刊的启蒙之功,立即与本刊联系,我们虽不想分享您的成果,却想与您共享成功的快乐! Please readers do not misunderstand, that this issue is designed for investors and ignore the reading. In fact, this special feature is designed for ordinary people planning. Because we believe that along with China’s accession to the WTO on November 10, for the Chinese people, an unfamiliar vast barren market will be presented to itself. This will be a rare good opportunity for the Chinese people as early as the reform and opening up It is also a golden age of investment. It is bound to set off a craze in the enclosure and it is bound to create a number of billionaires. If anyone can be sharp-eyed and firmly grasp this opportunity to invest, whoever is the beach-goverver of the new era will stand among the biggest names in the new era. The purpose of planning this issue features: call investment down the altar, but also the investment is also the ordinary people things. Make readers understand that investing this money (capital) to make money reasonable and legitimate channels of making money. Make the reader know investment is to create rich highway, rich and poor people can drive into the fast lane of investment. Make readers see the current situation, learn to invest and avoid risks, to meet the new generation of investment. Finally, if you read this special feature, inspired, recognize the situation, seize this rare opportunity for scientific investment, become rich, become a wave of children in the new era, do not forget the enlightenment of this magazine, immediately Contact with the magazine, although we do not want to share your achievements, but want to share with you the joy of success!
224唐朝阔教授书法作品选登@唐朝阔 224 Professor Tang Chao Kuo calligraphy works selected Tang @ wide
华东地区邮协工作研讨会于11月23日至25日在浙江桐庐举行。六省一市邮协领导和会刊负责人近20人出席。全国集邮联宣传部部长严忠辉莅会指导。 研讨会重点研讨了明年中华全国
六十多年前,中国人民在自己历经磨难、食不果腹的时候,依然以质朴的人类同情心,收容并养育了侵略自己国家的日本的一群遭到遗弃的孩子。如今 More than 60 years ago, the C