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比如说,他去看望母亲,好几次都一个人去,母亲某些时候就会问一声:伟志妈妈没来?他则会拍拍脑门,猛醒似地说:哎呀,本来她是要来的,突然又有了接待任务,被领导安排喝酒去了,要我给你说一声。而实际的情形则是,要么是哪儿三缺一,伟志的妈妈也就是他老婆被喊去凑角子了;要么是她懒得走从停车的地方到母亲所住的这一段曲曲折折坡坡坎坎的路。因为她根本就不愿意来这 For example, he went to visit his mother and went alone on several occasions. The mother would ask at some point: Weizhi’s mother did not come, but he would pat his forehead and awakened to say: Gee, she was supposed to come Suddenly had the reception task, was arranged to lead the drink to go, I want to say to you. The actual situation is that either one of three missing one, Weizhi’s mother is also called his wife to make up the corner; or she was too lazy to go from the parking place to the mother lived this period of twists and turns Road to the ridge. Because she did not want to come here
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数学新课程实施问题分析以及对策分析。 An Analysis of the Problems in the Implementation of New Mathematical Courses and Analysis of Countermeasures .
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