
来源 :国外医学参考资料.皮肤病学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:illyfei
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病例;瘤型麻风,52岁,男性,病期30年。在两侧前臂伸侧原来浸润的部位变硬,触诊呈板状骨质样硬度,边缘清楚。经X线照相,在皮肤浅处呈有板状阴影,边缘为树枝状,阴影较浓。临床上无自觉症状,患部皮肤略高,呈红褐色,有光泽无鳞屑,与皮下组织或深部组织无粘连,为椭圆形4.5x3厘米。自诉患部发冷,经检查患部表面温度与周围皮肤温度比较并不低。血液生化检查无异常发现。组织病理检查结果;经用三氯醋酸脱钙的标本镜检所见,表皮薄,乳头部分消失。真皮有明显的无浸润带。胶原纤维粗,弹力纤维断裂。在真皮中层以下有泡沫细胞浸润。在脱钙组织中查不到抗酸菌,而在其他的标本中则在真皮上层有抗酸菌。 Case; Tumor type leprosy, 52 years old, male, 30-year period. The infiltrated areas on both sides of the forearm were hardened and palpated to a plate-like bone hardness with clear edges. After X-ray photography, there was a plate-like shadow in the shallow part of the skin. The edges were dendritic and the shadows were thicker. There were no clinical symptoms. The affected skin was slightly taller, reddish-brown, lustrous, no scales, and had no adhesion with subcutaneous tissue or deep tissue. The shape was oval 4.5×3 cm. Self-inflicted complaints of chills, the examination of the affected skin temperature and surrounding skin temperature is not low. There was no abnormality in blood biochemical tests. Histopathological examination results showed that the epidermis was thin and the papilla disappeared after microscopic examination with decalcified trichloroacetic acid. The dermis has a distinct non-invasive band. The collagen fibers are thick and the elastic fibers break. Foam cells infiltrate below the dermis. No acid-fast bacteria can be found in the decalcified tissues, while acid-fast bacteria are found in the upper layers of the dermis in other specimens.
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