在学习中进步 在实践中反思 在反思中提高 在教研中成长 ——六盘水市第二实验小学

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六盘水市第二实验小学是六盘水市教育局的一所直属小学,位于市中心区,创办于1999年9月。学校占地面积14.2亩,绿化覆盖率达56%。现有25个教学班,学生1800余人,教职工69人。全体教师都是面向全市公开招考进来的,本科学历15人,专科41人,中专13人,学历合格率达100%;专职教师中高级教师30人,初级教师33人,省、市级骨干教师4人。自建校以来,学校高度重视教研工作,逐步构建“任务驱动,课题管理”,伴随“自我反思,同伴互助,专业引领”的教研模式,使全体教师在学习中进步,在实践中反思,在反思中提高,在教研中成长。领导重视,多方参与,是全面推进校本教研工作的前提。学校成立了以校长杨成林同志为组长的校本教研领导小组,以主管教育教学的副校长寥哲余同志为副组长的校本教研指导小组。领导小组和指导小组成员涵盖学校各部门负责人及省、市骨干教师和校内学科带头人,制定了《六盘水市第二实验小学校本教研指导意见》等规章制度。从物力、经费、时间上整合力量,有计划、有步骤地开展校本教研工作。(1)校本教研的评价制度:①以教师自评为主,校长、教师、学生、家长共同参与多种方法并举.根据发展性、反思性、合作性、多元化原则,对教师进行动态的全面的形成性评价;②从准备、实施、总结三方面入手,对各教研组(包括教研组长、年级组长)进行工作评价;③从“以教评教”转到“以学论教”,在学校已制定的“三进”、“十要”、“十八点”、“达标课”等课堂教学要求基础上,摸索构建新课程课堂教学评价体系。(2)校本教研的培训制度:在“小继教”第一、二阶段已取得一定经验的基础上, Liupanshui Second Experimental Primary School is an immediate primary school of Liupanshui Education Bureau, located in the downtown area, was founded in September 1999. The school covers an area of ​​14.2 acres, green coverage rate of 56%. The existing 25 classes, more than 1,800 students, 69 faculty members. All teachers are open to the public enrolled in the city, 15 undergraduate qualifications, 41 specialist, 13 secondary technical school, pass rate of 100%; full-time teachers, 30 senior teachers, 33 teachers, provincial and municipal backbone 4 teachers. Since the establishment of the school, the school attaches great importance to teaching and research, and gradually build a “task-driven, subject management”, along with “self-reflection, peer assistance, professional leadership” teaching and research model, so that all teachers in learning progress, in practice reflection, Raise reflection, grow in teaching and research. The importance attached by leaders and the participation of all parties involved are the preconditions for promoting school-based teaching and research work in an all-round way. The school set up a school-based teaching and research leading group with Comrade Yang Chenglin as its leader, and a school-based teaching and research steering group headed by Comrade Liao Zheyu, vice-chancellor in charge of education and teaching. The leading group and the steering group members covered the heads of all departments of the school as well as provincial and municipal key teachers and academic leaders in the school. They formulated the “Guidance Opinions on Teaching and Research of the Second Experimental Primary School in Liupanshui City” and other rules and regulations. From the material resources, funds, time integration forces, a planned and step-by-step school-based teaching and research work. (1) The evaluation system of school-based teaching and research: ①With self-evaluation by teachers, principals, teachers, students and parents participate in many ways simultaneously. According to the principles of development, reflection, cooperation and pluralism, the dynamic formative assessment of teachers is carried out dynamically. (2) The teaching and research groups (including the leader of teaching and research and the leader of grade) should be worked on from three aspects: preparation, implementation and conclusion Based on the teaching requirements of “Three Inputs”, “Ten Requirements”, “18:00” and “Achievement Standard” which the school has formulated , Explore the construction of new curriculum classroom teaching evaluation system. (2) School-based teaching and research training system: Based on the experience gained in the first and second phases of “Small-scale Teaching”
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