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今年6月24日至26日,仙居县委、县政府召集1995年已实现小康和1996年计划实现小康的村支部书记在县委党校集中,专门就奔小康、建设社会主义新农村的内容进行了培训学习,收到了良好的效果。仙居县委、县政府紧紧围绕1998年规划实现小康县的目标,制定出台了一系列政策措施,在6月中旬还下发了《关于深化社会主义新农村建设活动的意见》的文件。在落实任务时,县委、县政府深深认识到完成规划目标最重要的基础在农村,最关键的责任在村党支部书记这个带头人。为此,决定对党支部书记进行一次全面的教育培训,以切实提高他们的素质,使其能真正挑起新时期赋予的重担。培训期间,组织他们先后学习了《小康的含义及标准》、《村级基层组织建设》、《壮大村级集体经济之路》、《大力发展乡镇企业》等课程。培训班上,城关镇月塘村、埠头乡里林村等4个新农村建设示范村,还就他们发展农村经济、壮大集体实力、改善村容村貌及兴办公益事业等方面取得的成绩作了典型介绍。学习期间,县委书记胡斯球还对全县当前的形势任务和小康村、镇的目标方向作了详细说明,给学员们上了生动的一课。对这次培训学习,各村支部书记都认为启发很大,受益匪浅,纷纷表示回去后立即着手制定本村的奔小康规划。(应杭平)(本栏编辑;张磊) From June 24 to June 26, Xianju county party committee and county government convened the party secretary of the village branch who had achieved well-to-do living in 1995 and planned to realize well-to-do life in 1996. The party secretary of the village party committee concentrated on the project of building a new socialist countryside and building a prosperous society. Training and learning, received good results. In accordance with the goal of realizing Xiaokang County in 1998, Xianju County Committee and County Government formulated and promulgated a series of policies and measures, and in mid-June also issued “Opinions on Deepening the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside”. In the implementation of the task, the county party committee and government are deeply aware of the completion of the planning objectives of the most important foundation in rural areas, the most crucial responsibility in the village party branch secretary of this leader. To this end, it has decided to conduct a comprehensive education and training for party branch secretaries in order to effectively improve their qualifications so that they can really provoke the burdens given by the new era. During the training, they were taught courses such as the meaning and standard of well-to-do society, the building of grassroots organizations at the village level, the road of expanding the village collective economy, and the development of township enterprises. In the training courses, 4 new rural construction model villages such as Yue Tong Village in Chengguan Town and Lilin Village in Buitou Town were also typical of their achievements in developing rural economy, strengthening collective strength, improving village appearance and establishing public welfare undertakings Introduction. During the study, the county party secretary Husball also made detailed explanations on the current situation and tasks of the county and the direction of well-off villages and towns, and gave students a vivid lesson. For this training and study, all village party secretaries think that they are great inspiration and have benefited greatly. Both of them said that they immediately started to work out the well-to-do planning of their village. (Ying Hangping) (column editor; Zhang Lei)
俗话说:生命在于运动。高血压患者也能从运动中大大获益,延年益寿,这已得到公认。 如今倡导对高血压患者开展运动疗法,常常与限制食盐、控制体重、禁烟、节酒等一起进行,将