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近50年来,德国科技体制已经形成了百花争艳的态势,德国的统一则进一步推动了科技体制的发展。像所有的工业国家一样,德国正在向知识社会迈进,经济结构的变迁也正朝着研究集约化工业、知识集约化服务业和服务与产品紧密衔接的方向发展。今天,基础研究与应用研究之间的结合已经变得越来越紧密,科学技术领域日渐渗透并使其间的界限变得越来越模糊,知识转移和科研机构与企业之间合作的意义正在日益增长,因此,联邦政府格外倚重德国教育与研究的实力以及科研组织的现代化和项目资助的强度。一、新的研究政策指导方针——研究政策的目标经济界与科学界的创新力量将决定德国未来的能力。必须比今天更迅速地把国内或者国际可供利用的研究与发展成果转换为新产品、新工艺和新的服务业,联邦政府把目标集中于整体全球化的过程,首先建立起具有国际竞争力的框架条件, In the past 50 years, Germany's science and technology system has formed a blossoming flower and the reunification of Germany has further promoted the development of the science and technology system. Like all industrialized countries, Germany is moving towards a knowledge-based society. The changes in its economic structure are also moving toward the study of intensive industries, intensified knowledge-intensive services and services and products. Today the combination of basic and applied research has become more and more tight, and the fields of science and technology are increasingly permeating and blurring the boundaries between them, and the significance of knowledge transfer and cooperation between research institutes and enterprises is growing Therefore, the federal government relies heavily on the strength of German education and research as well as the modernization of research organizations and the intensity of project funding. I. New Research Policy Guidelines - Research Policy Objectives The innovative power of the economic and scientific communities will determine the future capabilities of Germany. The domestic and international availability of research and development results must be translated into new products, new processes and new services more rapidly than today. The federal government has focused its efforts on the overall globalization process by first establishing a system of international competitiveness The framework of the conditions,
花狐狸很聪明,他觉得自己最了不起了。一天,泡泡猪正在做数学作业。数学可是泡泡猪最头疼(tén)的课目了,他真想扔下作业出去玩。 Fox is very clever, he felt himself the