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《吴宓与陈寅恪》一书卷首转录有陈、吴早年谈话数则,内容以文化比较为主。陈寅恪本人鉴于中国固有文化系统的庞大,难以一言尽述,平时不轻易发表看法。但偶尔也与友人谈起,观点良莠不齐,多少反映了早一代学人的认识特点,即在西学刺激下对东西学作一些初期的比较。陈寅恪在论到国民性问题时,特别指出我国国民性格与古罗马人及法国人最为近似,即都注重家庭制度及政治学和实践伦理学。陈寅恪是本着儒家的角度来体会认识这一点的。同大多数近、现代的儒学光复派一样,陈寅恪基本上是以儒家思想涵盖了中华民族传统思想的精华。虽然两者之间存在着具体差异。但儒家本身,至少在早期历史中只不过是中国先民学脉的一支。陈寅恪的政治及实践伦理学一说并非架空之论,在 The book “Wu Mi and Chen Yin Ke” first volume transcription of Chen, Wu early conversations number, the content of cultural comparison. In view of the immense size of China’s inherent cultural system, Chen Yinke himself made it hard to explain his own words and did not usually express his views easily. However, occasionally speaking with friends, the viewpoints are mixed, somewhat reflecting the cognitive characteristics of early generation scholars, that is, making some initial comparisons of Eastern and Western learning under the stimulation of Western learning. In his discussion of national character, Chen Yinke pointed out in particular that the character of our nation is most similar to that of the ancient Romans and French, that is, both the family system and political science and practical ethics are emphasized. Chen Yin Ke is based on the Confucian point of view to understand this point. Like most modern and modern Confucianists, Chen Yinke basically covered the essence of the traditional Chinese thinking with Confucianism. Although there are specific differences between the two. But Confucianism itself, at least in its early history, was but one of the Chinese ancestry. Chen Yinke’s theory of political and practical ethics is not a theory of overhead
睡眠与人的健康息息相关。对老年人睡眠质量影响最大的就是老年人的卧室。卧室内的装修和摆放的物品不当,会导致老年人失眠,特别要强调的是不要在卧室摆放钟表。 Sleep and
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