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网络经济已经成为时下美国新经济的一个象征,它正越来越频繁地介入美国社会的各个层面,渗透于诸多经济领域,并成为美国经济对外扩张的一个新支点。网络经济从兴起到目前的红火,在美国也就花了三年时间,显示了新经济爆炸式的非常规增长能量。不过象以往一切新产业诞生初期一样,网络经济也不是风调雨顺的,对此有必要加以全面审视,以供中国的网络业者参考。美国人均 GDP 的高水平、电脑的普及、政府对网络问题的关注与推进、美国社会生活节奏的高速率,是网络经济在“信息高速公路”建成后必然兴起的物质基础。网络为美国经济注入了新因素,其 The network economy has become a symbol of the new economy of the United States nowadays. It is intervened more and more frequently in all aspects of American society and permeates many economic fields and becomes a new fulcrum for the expansion of the U.S. economy. Since the rise of the Internet economy to the present boom, it took three years in the United States to show the explosive unconventional growth energy of the new economy. However, as in the early days of all new industries, the network economy was not in a good mood and it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive review for the reference of Chinese Internet operators. The high level of per capita GDP in the United States, the popularization of computers, the concern and promotion of the government over network problems and the high rate of social life in the United States are the material basis for the inevitable rise of the network economy after the completion of the “information superhighway.” The network has injected new elements into the U.S. economy
The prognosis for patients with primarymalignant glioma remains poor, in spite of a varietyof different forms of treatments. Broad suppressionof humoral and ce
一名27岁男性患者,为了了解门静脉海绵状改变及血栓形成与直肠-乙状结肠静脉曲张侧支循环及肉眼血尿等情况,而收治入院。 A 27-year-old man was admitted to hospital to unders
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