Identification of Hercynian shoshonitic intrusive rocks in central Hainan Island and its geotectonic

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An identification has been made of some shoshonitic intrusive rocks in central Hainan Island recently. These rocks are K-rich (K2O=2.9%―5.1%, K2O/Na2O=0.95―2.12), distinctly enriched in LILE and LREE, strongly depleted in Nb, Ta, and moder- ately depleted in Sr and Ti, with (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70859―0.71425 and ε Nd(t) = (?2.77―?7.49). They were derived from an EMⅡ-type mantle source. The enrichment process is related to metasomatism of depleted mantle caused by a great amount of fluid-melt released from oceanic crust and terri- genous sediments at great depth (eclogite facies) during the subduction of the South China plate under the Indochina-South China Sea plate in the Carbon- iferous–Early Permian. A SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating yields a crystallization age of 272±7 Ma for the sho- shonitic intrusions, which is coeval with the strongly peraluminous granites found in central Hainan Island. These two kinds of rocks generally possess syn-intrusion ductile deformation structures. Thus they are considered to have been generated during the early stage (syn-thrust phase) of a post-collisional event. The primary magma of shoshonitic rocks was produced at a depth > 80 km by decompression- dehydration melting of previously enriched litho- spheric mantle wedge, phlogopite-bearing garnet peridotite, which was in turn caused by the break-off of a descendent slab and upwelling of a hot as- thenosphere. The rising of melts was accompaniedby crustal contamination and crystallization fractiona- tion (AFC). Combining with other related data, it is proposed that the southwards subduction and amal- gamation of the South China plate with the Indo- China-South China Sea plate took place at ca. 287- 278 Ma, which was a part of the convergence proc- ess of the Pangea supercontinent. The suture zone was probably located along the line of Song Ma-Beibu Gulf-north margin of the Yunkai Moun- tains-Wuyi Mountains. The identification of these rocks are K-rich (K2O = 2.9% -5.1%, K2O / Na2O = 0.95-2.12), distinctly enriched in LILE and LREE, strongly depleted in Nb, Ta, and moder-ately depleted in Sr and Ti with (87Sr / 86Sr) i = 0.70859-0.71425 and ε Nd (t) = (? 2.77-? 7.49) . The enrichment process is related to metasomatism of depleted mantle caused by a great amount of fluid-melt released from oceanic crust and terri- genous sediments at great depth (eclogite facies) during the subduction of the South China plate under the Indochina-South China A SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating gave a crystallization age of 272 ± 7 Ma for the sho- shonitic intrusions, which is coeval with the strongly peraluminous granites found in central Hainan Island. These two kinds of rocks generally possess syn-intrusion ductile deformation structure s. Thus they are considered to have been generated during the early stage (syn-thrust phase) of a post-collisional event. The primary magma of shoshonitic rocks was produced at a depth> 80 km by decompression- dehydration melting of previously enriched litho - spheric mantle wedge, phlogopite-bearing garnet peridotite, which was in turn caused by the break-off of a descendent slab and upwelling of a hot as-thenosphere. The rising of melts was accompanied by crustal contamination and crystallization fractiona- tion (AFC) . Combining with other related data, it is proposed that the southwards subduction and amal- gamation of the South China plate with the Indo- China-South China Sea plate took place at ca. 287-27 27 Ma, which was a part of the convergence proc- ess of the Pangea supercontinent. The suture zone was probably located along the line of Song Ma-Beibu Gulf-north margin of the Yunkai Moun- tains-Wuyi Mountains.
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