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中央财政投入10亿元扩大农村中小学远教试点近日从教育部获悉,在前期试点示范基础上,中央财政投入专项资金10亿元,地方按一定比例配套投入,农村中小学远程教育工程的试点范围将扩大到20个省市区。据了解,20个省级试点单位包括西部地区12个省市区、新疆生产建设兵团、中部地区的6个省和东部一个省。到目前为止,各省市区的实施方案已经制订完毕,将建设教学光盘播放点20977个、卫星教学收视点48605个、计算机教室7094间,共涉及116个地市、808个县。 The central government has invested 1 billion yuan to expand pilots for distance education in rural primary and secondary schools. It was recently learned from the Ministry of Education that on the basis of preliminary pilot demonstrations, the central government has earmarked 1 billion yuan of special funds, and local governments have invested a certain percentage of them. Pilot programs for distance education in rural primary and secondary schools The scope will be expanded to 20 provinces and cities. It is understood that 20 provincial pilot units include 12 provinces and cities in the western region, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, six provinces in the central region, and one province in the east. So far, the implementation plans for all provinces and cities have been completed. There will be 20,977 teaching CD-ROM playback points, 48,605 satellite teaching reception points, and 7,094 computer classrooms, involving a total of 116 prefecture-level cities and 808 counties.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) is a disorder that involves the degeneration of motor neurons,muscle atrophy,and paralysis.In a few familiar forms of ALS,mut
The development of the 6-layered cerebral neocortex is one of the most important events during nervous system development,and disturbances could result in vario
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