
来源 :婚育与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:likunhoney
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小李结婚3年多了,总想要—个孩子,可经多方治疗就是不孕,丈夫并没有发现问题,原因是她自己的宫颈粘液中含有抗精子抗体。为此,大夫建议她进行人工授精。经过家人商议,同意使用丈夫的精液进行。当大夫告诉她采用输卵管灌注法人工授精时,她感到非常奇怪,因为她从来没有听说过这一方法。 Xiao Li married more than three years, and always want to - a child, can be infertile treatment by many parties, her husband did not find the problem because her own cervical mucus contains anti-sperm antibodies. To this end, the doctor advised her to carry out artificial insemination. After family consultation, agreed to use her husband’s semen. When the doctor told her to use artificial insemination of tubal irrigation, she felt very strange, because she had never heard of this method.
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蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶非受体型22(protein tyrosine phos- phatase nonreceptor 22,PTPN22)是编码淋巴特异性蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(lymphoid protein tyrosine phosphatase,LYP)的基
孙女士再也没有想到自己4年无“喜”竟是宫内膜骨化占据了子宫 Ms. Sun never thought of himself 4 years without “Xi ” actually endometrial ossification occupy t
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
在人生的旅途中最亲密的莫过于夫妻;然而在婚姻生活中一些损害健康的妇女疾病,却往往与男人有着密切的关系,是不可忽视的。 1.阴道损伤:女性阴道的损伤多与夫妻性生活有关,