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新闻出版署成立已近五年,在总结报纸管理经验的基础上已经公布了一些管理法规。这次研讨班就是以江泽民同志“七一”讲话为指导,结合贯彻《报纸管理暂行规定》来研讨报纸管理,探讨怎样建立一个有中国特色的社会主义报纸管理体系。我想从管理体制、结构、出版和经营四个方面谈一点粗浅的看法。我国报纸的特殊使命及其管理体制中华人民共和国成立后,国内外敌对势力企图通过经济上的封锁、渗透和意识形态上的渗透、干扰,对我国打开和平演变的缺口。社会主义要铲除旧的剥削制度和与之相适应的一切旧观念,这是一个逆水行舟的过程,又是一个破天荒的新闻事业。所以,社会主义的报纸第一要不断地向人民群众灌输社会主义思想,灌输马列主义、毛泽东思想的基本原理,从精神上武装起千百万群众。报纸一天天、一张张地连续出版,就是要持之以恒、锲而不舍地擦去旧社会遗留的还残存在社会上和人们思想中的污垢。解放后报纸在 Press and Publication Administration was established nearly five years, based on the summary of newspaper management experience has been published on the basis of some management regulations. This seminar is based on the guidance of Comrade Jiang Zemin’s “1 July” speech and discusses the management of newspaper with the implementation of the “Interim Provisions on Newspaper Management” and discusses how to establish a socialist newspaper management system with Chinese characteristics. I would like to say a few superficial opinions on the four aspects of management system, structure, publishing and management. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the hostile forces at home and abroad have tried to intervene and open the gap for peaceful evolution of our country through economic blockade, infiltration and ideological infiltration. Socialism needs to eradicate the old system of exploitation and all the old ideas that are compatible with it. This is an unprecedented journey and an unprecedented news career. Therefore, the first socialist newspaper must constantly infuse socialist ideology into the people and instill the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought and mentally equip millions of people. The daily publication of newspapers one after another is about perseverance and perseverance to wipe out the remnants of old society’s remnants of society and people’s thoughts. After the liberation of the newspaper