陇城镇:延续传统风貌 提升城镇功能

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陇城镇地处甘肃秦安、张家川、清水三县交界地带,镇域面积78.9平方公里,辖22个行政村,3.2万人,其中镇区人口近万人。陇城镇历史悠久,旅游资源丰富,是传说中人类始祖女娲的出生地,有“娲皇故里”之称,以女娲文化、大地湾文化、三国文化、秦汉文化等四大历史文化为主线,构成了陇城丰富的历史文化渊源。境内有女娲祠、女娲洞、三国街亭古战场遗址、龙泉井、明清街等13处名胜古迹,镇政府所在地距大地湾遗址4公里。陇城镇以打造旅游寻根祭祖圣地为目标,坚持严格保护,合理利用的原则,从完善城镇功能、保护文物古迹、提升城镇品位入手,多渠道筹措资金, Long town is located in Gansu Qin’an, Zhangjiachuan, Qingshui three counties at the junction of the town area of ​​78.9 square kilometers, administer 22 administrative villages, 32000 people, of which nearly 10 million people in the town area. Long town has a long history, rich in tourism resources, is the legendary birthplace of the human ancestor of the Nu Wa, “Qiong Huang hometown ” said, Nuwa culture, Dadiwan culture, the Three Kingdoms culture, Qin and Han culture four historical and cultural As the main line, constitutes a rich history and culture of Long City. There are Nu Wa Temple, Nu Wa Cave, Three Kingdoms ancient battlefield sites, Longquan wells, Ming and Qing Street, 13 historical sites, the town government is located 4 kilometers away from the site of the earth. Longcheng Town aims to build a tourism destination for worshiping the ancestors, adhere to the principle of strict protection and rational utilization, starting from perfecting the functions of urban areas, protecting cultural relics and historic sites, upgrading the urban taste, raising funds through multiple channels,
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